Thursday, June 08, 2023

Help! We're Failing to Prove Correctness of Closure Conversion using Denotational Semantics (Graph Models)

Recall that closure conversion lowers lexically-scoped functions into a flat-closure representation, which pairs a function pointer with a tuple of values for the function’s free variables. The crux of this pass is a transformation we call “delay” (D) because it postpones the point at which the function is applied to the above-mentioned tuple, from the point of definition of the function to the points of application. Let ⟦-⟧ₛ be the denotational semantics for the source language of “delay” and ⟦-⟧ₜ be the semantics for its target. (Both languages are variants of the untyped lambda calculus.) We tried to prove something like:

⟦ M ⟧ₛ ρ ≈ ⟦ D(M) ⟧ₜ ρ

where much of the difficulty was in finding an appropriate definition for the relation. In a denotational semantics based on the graph model, the semantics of a term is an infinite set of finite descriptions of the term’s behavior. So a straightforward way to define is

S ≈ S' iff     ∀ f. f ∈ S implies ∃f'. f' ∈ S' and f ~ f' (forward)
           and ∀ f'. f' ∈ S′ implies ∃f. f ∈ S and f ~ f' (backward).

with some suitable definition of equivalence ~ for finite descriptions.

Consider the following example. The first transformation changes the lambda abstraction to make explicit the creation of a tuple for the free variables. The second transformation, the above-mentioned “delay”, does two things, it (1) replaces the application of (λ fv ...) to ⟨ y , z ⟩ with the creation of another tuple that contains those two items and (2) replaces the application add(3) with the application add[0](add[1], 3).

let y = 4 in 
let z = 5 in 
let add = λ x. x + y + z in
let y = 4 in 
let z = 5 in 
let add = (λ fv. λ x. x + fv[0] + fv[1]) ⟨ y , z ⟩ in
===> "delay"
let y = 4 in 
let z = 5 in 
let add = ⟨(λ (fv, x). x + fv[0] + fv[1]) , ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟩ in
add[0](add[1], 3)

Focusing on the “delay” transformation of the lambda abstractions and the backward direction of the equivalence, we need to show that

∀f'. f' ∈ ⟦ ⟨(λ fv x. x + fv[0] + fv[1]) , ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟩ ⟧ₜ(y={4},z={5})
∃f. f ∈ ⟦ (λ fv. λ x. x + fv[0] + fv[1]) ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟧ₛ(y={4},z={5}) 
and f ~ f'


f' = ⟨ {⟨0,0⟩ ↦ 3 ↦ 3} , ⟨ 4 , 5 ⟩ ⟩

where {⟨0,0⟩ ↦ 3 ↦ 3} is one entry in the input-output table for the lambda abstraction:

{⟨0,0⟩ ↦ (3 ↦ 3)} ∈ ⟦ λ fv. λ x. x + fv[0] + fv[1] ⟧ₜ

This entry says that if the pair ⟨0,0⟩ is bound to fv, and 3 is bound to x, then the result is 3. (Note that there are many other elements of ⟦ λ fv. λ x. ... ⟧ₜ, such as {⟨4,5⟩ ↦ (3 ↦ 12)}, {⟨4,5⟩ ↦ (6 ↦ 15)}, and {⟨0,0⟩ ↦ (6 ↦ 6)}.)

Given this f', we need to find an element f of

⟦ (λ fv. λ x. x + fv[0] + fv[1]) ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟧ₛ(y={4},z={5}) 

such that f corresponds to f', i.e., f ~ f'. However, the elements of this partially-applied lambda all have y and z fixed at 4 and 5 respectively so this partially-applied lambda is the “plus nine” function:

{0 ↦ 9}, {1 ↦ 10}, {2 ↦ 11}, {3 ↦ 12}, {6 ↦ 15}, ...

So there is no f in it that corresponds to {⟨0,0⟩ ↦ (6 ↦ 6)}, (the “identity” function).

We have tried several approaches to solving this problem, but ran into road blocks with each one of them. If you know of a technique for solving this problem, please let us know!


  1. gasche12:31 AM

    Minor note: it was not obvious to me at first that what is rendered as "lam fv x. t" in your post should be read as "lam (fv, x). t", a lambda-abstraction that expects a pair. (I would naturally assume that "lam x y. t" is just syntactic sugar for "lam x. lam y. t", which made things confusing.)

    Your first transformation step is purely local; in particular, the transformation of an object gives an object of the same type. It is easily to prove that this transformation is an equivalence in an inductive/modular way, by showing that all subcomponents of the original term get transformed into equivalent subcomponents.

    Your second transformation step is global, it changes the calling convention for your functions. (The translation of a function gives an object of a different type, so clearly the whole program needs to be transformed at once). You cannot hope to prove an equivalence on the nose between a subterm of function type and its transformation, as they precisely are not equivalent (they don't even have the same type). Instead you can prove that they are *related* in a certain way that captures closure conversion. Inductively, what you can hope to prove on a subterm and its transformation is that if their free variables are related, then they are related. I would typically do this at the level of syntax -- say, as a logical relation -- but surely you can do this at the level of denotational semantics if you prefer.

    1. Yes, the goal of this research is to evaluate whether graph models are suitable for reasoning about compiler correctness... but we've been stuck on how to relate denotations in the graph model.

  2. Yes, you want to define a logical relation to sort this out, basically along the lines of Minamide, Morrisett and Harper's POPL 1996 "Typed Closure Conversion". Luckily defining logical relations over denotational semantics is easier than doing it over terms, since you basically don't need any properties about closure under reduction (since there isn't any reduction).

    1. For resources on how to define logical relations over den. sem., Max suggested reading "Relational Properties of Domains". Do you have any other suggestions? It would super helpful to see examples of logical relations defined on a graph model...

    2. Also, to use a log. rel., would I need to change the target language to be statically typed?

    3. Anonymous3:25 AM

      "Relational Properties of Domains" is the capital-R Right paper to read, and theorem 6.5 describes exactly how one defines logical relations for untyped languages.

      However, (a) it does presuppose some familiarity with the categorical approach to denotational semantics, and (b) it does not handle polymorphism (which you need for closure conversion via existentials). For (a), you may want to consult Smyth and Plotkin's "The Category-Theoretic Solution of Recursive Domain Equations", and for (b) Abadi and Plotkin's "A PER model of polymorphism and recursive types".
