Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Gradual Guarantee via Step-indexed Logical Relations

{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}
module LogRel.BlogGradualGuaranteeLogRel where

open import Data.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; map; length)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Product using (_,_;_×_; proj₁; proj₂; Σ-syntax; ∃-syntax)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic renaming ( to topᵖ; tt to ttᵖ)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
  using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; sym; cong; subst; trans)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)

open import Var
open import InjProj.CastCalculus
open import InjProj.CastDeterministic

One of the defining characteristics of a gradually typed language is captured by the gradual guarantee , which governs how the behavior of a program can change when the programmer changes some of the type annotations in the program to be more or less precise. It says that when changed to be more precise, the program will behave the same except that it may error more often. A change in the other direction, to be less precise, yields a program with exactly the same behavior.

In this blog post I prove in Agda the gradual guarantee for the gradually typed lambda calculus using the logical relations proof technique. In the past I’ve proved the gradual guarantee using a simulation argument, but I was curious to see whether the proof would be easier/harder using logical relations. The approach I use here is a synthesis of techniques from Dreyer, Ahmed, and Birkedal (LMCS 2011) regarding step-indexing using a modal logic and Max New (Ph.D. thesis 2020) regarding logical relations for gradual typing.

This Agda development lives on github in the following repository:


The files corresponding to this blog post are in the LogRel directory, which also import files from the InjProj directory (for the definition of the cast calculus). Also, this Agda code make use of the abstract binding tree library, which is in the following repository:


Precision and the Gradual Guarantee

To talk about the gradual guarantee, we first define when one type is less precise than another one. The following definition says that the unknown type is less precise than any other type.

infixr 6 _⊑_
data _⊑_ : Type  Type  Set where

  unk⊑unk :   
  unk⊑ : ∀{G}{B}
      gnd⇒ty G  B
  base⊑ : ∀{ι}
       $ₜ ι  $ₜ ι

  fun⊑ : ∀{A B C D}
      A  C    B  D
      A  B  C  D

The first two rules for precision are usually presented as a single rule:

unk⊑any : ∀{B} → ★ ⊑ B

Instead we have separated out the case for when both types are from the case when only the less-precise type is . Also, for the rule unk⊑, instead of writing B ≢ ★ we have written gnd⇒ty G ⊑ B, which turns out to be important later when we define the logical relation and use recursion on the precision relation.

Of course, the precision relation is reflexive.
Refl⊑ : ∀{A}  A  A
Refl⊑ {} = unk⊑unk
Refl⊑ {$ₜ ι} = base⊑
Refl⊑ {A  B} = fun⊑ Refl⊑ Refl⊑

If c is a derivation of ★ ⊑ gnd⇒ty G, then it must be an instance of the unk⊑ rule.

unk⊑gnd-inv : ∀{G}
    (c :   gnd⇒ty G)
    ∃[ d ] c  unk⊑{G}{gnd⇒ty G} d
unk⊑gnd-inv {$ᵍ ι} (unk⊑ {$ᵍ .ι} base⊑) = base⊑ , refl
unk⊑gnd-inv {★⇒★} (unk⊑ {★⇒★} (fun⊑ c d)) = fun⊑ c d , refl

If c and d are both derivations of ★ ⊑ A, then they are equal.

dyn-prec-unique : ∀{A}
   (c :   A)
   (d :   A)
   c  d
dyn-prec-unique {} unk⊑unk unk⊑unk = refl
dyn-prec-unique {} unk⊑unk (unk⊑ {$ᵍ ι} ())
dyn-prec-unique {} unk⊑unk (unk⊑ {★⇒★} ())
dyn-prec-unique {} (unk⊑ {$ᵍ ι} ()) d
dyn-prec-unique {} (unk⊑ {★⇒★} ()) d
dyn-prec-unique {$ₜ ι} (unk⊑ {$ᵍ .ι} base⊑) (unk⊑ {$ᵍ .ι} base⊑) = refl
dyn-prec-unique {A  A₁} (unk⊑ {★⇒★} (fun⊑ c c₁)) (unk⊑ {★⇒★} (fun⊑ d d₁))
    with dyn-prec-unique c d | dyn-prec-unique c₁ d₁
... | refl | refl = refl

If c and d are both derivations of gnd⇒ty G ⊑ A, then they are equal.

gnd-prec-unique : ∀{G A}
    (c : gnd⇒ty G  A)
    (d : gnd⇒ty G  A)
    c  d
gnd-prec-unique {$ᵍ ι} {.($ₜ ι)} base⊑ base⊑ = refl
gnd-prec-unique {★⇒★} {.(_  _)} (fun⊑ c c₁) (fun⊑ d d₁)
    with dyn-prec-unique c d | dyn-prec-unique c₁ d₁
... | refl | refl = refl

Next we define a precision relation on terms. I’m going to skip the normal steps of first defining the precision relation for the surface language and proving that compiling from the surface language to a cast calculus preserves precision. That is relatively easy, so I’ll jump to defining precision on terms of the cast calculus.

infix 3 _⊩_⊑_⦂_

Prec : Set
Prec = (∃[ A ] ∃[ B ] A  B)

data _⊩_⊑_⦂_ : List Prec  Term  Term  ∀{A B : Type}  A  B  Set 

data _⊩_⊑_⦂_ where

  ⊑-var :  {Γ x A⊑B}
      Γ  x  A⊑B
      Γ  (` x)  (` x)  proj₂ (proj₂ A⊑B)

  ⊑-lit :  {Γ c}
      Γ  ($ c)  ($ c)  base⊑{typeof c}

  ⊑-app : ∀{Γ L M L′ M′ A B C D}{c : A  C}{d : B  D}
      Γ  L  L′  fun⊑ c d
      Γ  M  M′  c
      Γ  L · M  L′ · M′  d

  ⊑-lam : ∀{Γ N N′ A B C D}{c : A  C}{d : B  D}
      (A , C , c)  Γ  N  N′  d
      Γ  ƛ N  ƛ N′  fun⊑ c d

  ⊑-inj-L : ∀{Γ M M′}{G B}{c : (gnd⇒ty G)  B}
      Γ  M  M′  c
      Γ  M  G !⟩  M′  unk⊑{G}{B} c

  ⊑-inj-R : ∀{Γ M M′}{G}{c :   (gnd⇒ty G)}
      Γ  M  M′  c
      Γ  M  M′  G !⟩  unk⊑unk

  ⊑-proj-L : ∀{Γ M M′ H B}{c : (gnd⇒ty H)  B}
      Γ  M  M′  unk⊑ c
      Γ  M  H ?⟩  M′  c

  ⊑-proj-R : ∀{Γ M M′ H}{c :   (gnd⇒ty H)}
      Γ  M  M′  unk⊑unk
      Γ  M  M′  H ?⟩   c

  ⊑-blame : ∀{Γ M A}
      map proj₁ Γ  M  A
      Γ  M  blame  Refl⊑{A}

To write down the gradual guarantee, we also need some notation for expressing whether a program halts with a value, diverges, or encounters an error. So we write for halting with a result value, for diverging, and ⇑⊎blame for diverging or producing an error.

_⇓ : Term → Set
M ⇓ = ∃[ V ] (M —↠ V) × Value V

_⇑ : Term → Set
M ⇑ = ∀ k → ∃[ N ] Σ[ r ∈ M —↠ N ] k ≡ len r

_⇑⊎blame : Term → Set
M ⇑⊎blame = ∀ k → ∃[ N ] Σ[ r ∈ M —↠ N ] ((k ≡ len r) ⊎ (N ≡ blame))

We can now state the gradual guarnatee. Suppose program M is less or equally precise as program M′. Then M and M′ should behave the same except that M′ results in an error more often. More specifically, if M′ results in a value or diverges, so does M. On the other hand, if M results a value, then M′ results in a value or errors. If M diverges, then M′ diverges or errors. If M errors, then so does M′.

gradual-guarantee : ∀ {A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A ⊑ A′} → (M M′ : Term)
   → [] ⊩ M ⊑ M′ ⦂ A⊑A′
   → (M′ ⇓ → M ⇓)
   × (M′ ⇑ → M ⇑)
   × (M ⇓ → M′ ⇓ ⊎ M′ —↠ blame)
   × (M ⇑ → M′ ⇑⊎blame)
   × (M —↠ blame → M′ —↠ blame)

One might wonder if the gradual guarantee could be simply proved by induction on the derivation of its premise [] ⊩ M ⊑ M′ ⦂ A⊑A′. Such a proof attempt runs into trouble in the case for function application, where one needs to have more information about how the bodies of related lambda abstractions evaluate when given related arguments, but don’t have it. The main idea of a logical relation is to add that extra information, effectively strengthening the theorem statement to get the induction to go through.

However, before diving into the logical relation, we have one more items to cover regarding the gradual guarantee.

Semantic Approximation

We separate the gradual guarantee into two properties, one that observes the less precise term M for k steps of reduction and the other that observes the more precise term M′ for k steps of reduction. After those k steps, the term being observed may have reduced to a value or an error, or it might still be reducing. If it reduced to a value, then the relation requires the other term to also reduce to a value, except of course that M′ may error. We define these two properties with one relation, written dir ⊨ M ⊑ M′ for k and called semantic approximation, that is parameterized over a direction dir. The direction observes the less precise term M and the direction observes the more precise term M′.

data Dir : Set where
   : Dir
   : Dir

_⊨_⊑_for_ : Dir  Term  Term    Set

  M  M′ for k = (M  × M′ )
                     (M′ —↠ blame)
                     (∃[ N ] Σ[ r  M —↠ N ] len r  k)
  M  M′ for k = (M  × M′ )
                     (M′ —↠ blame)
                     (∃[ N′ ] Σ[ r  M′ —↠ N′ ] len r  k)

We write ⊨ M ⊑ M′ for k for the conjunction of semantic approximation in both directions.

⊨_⊑_for_ : Term  Term    Set
 M  M′ for k = (  M  M′ for k) × (  M  M′ for k)

The following verbose but easy proof confirms that semantic approximation implies the gradual guarantee.

sem-approx⇒GG : ∀{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{M}{M′}
    (∀ k   M  M′ for k)
    (M′   M )
   × (M′   M )
   × (M   M′   M′ —↠ blame)
   × (M   M′ ⇑⊎blame)
   × (M —↠ blame  M′ —↠ blame)
sem-approx⇒GG {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{M}{M′} ⊨M⊑M′ =
  to-value-right , diverge-right , to-value-left , diverge-left , blame-blame
  to-value-right : M′   M 
  to-value-right (V′ , M′→V′ , v′)
      with proj₂ (⊨M⊑M′ (suc (len M′→V′)))
  ... | inj₁ ((V , M→V , v) , _) = V , M→V , v
  ... | inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame) =
        ⊥-elim (cant-reduce-value-and-blame v′ M′→V′ M′→blame)
  ... | inj₂ (inj₂ (N′ , M′→N′ , eq)) =
        ⊥-elim (step-value-plus-one M′→N′ M′→V′ v′ eq)
  diverge-right : M′   M 
  diverge-right divM′ k
      with proj₁ (⊨M⊑M′ k)
  ... | inj₁ ((V , M→V , v) , (V′ , M′→V′ , v′)) =
        ⊥-elim (diverge-not-halt divM′ (inj₂ (V′ , M′→V′ , v′)))
  ... | inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame) =
        ⊥-elim (diverge-not-halt divM′ (inj₁ M′→blame))
  ... | inj₂ (inj₂ (N , M→N , eq)) = N , M→N , sym eq

  to-value-left : M   M′   M′ —↠ blame
  to-value-left (V , M→V , v)
      with proj₁ (⊨M⊑M′ (suc (len M→V)))
  ... | inj₁ ((V , M→V , v) , (V′ , M′→V′ , v′)) = inj₁ (V′ , M′→V′ , v′)
  ... | inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame) = inj₂ M′→blame
  ... | inj₂ (inj₂ (N , M→N , eq)) =
        ⊥-elim (step-value-plus-one M→N M→V v eq)

  diverge-left : M   M′ ⇑⊎blame
  diverge-left divM k 
      with proj₂ (⊨M⊑M′ k)
  ... | inj₁ ((V , M→V , v) , _) =
        ⊥-elim (diverge-not-halt divM (inj₂ (V , M→V , v)))
  ... | inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame) = blame , (M′→blame , (inj₂ refl))
  ... | inj₂ (inj₂ (N′ , M′→N′ , eq)) = N′ , (M′→N′ , (inj₁ (sym eq))) 

  blame-blame : (M —↠ blame  M′ —↠ blame)
  blame-blame M→blame
      with proj₁ (⊨M⊑M′ (suc (len M→blame)))
  ... | inj₁ ((V , M→V , v) , (V′ , M′→V′ , v′)) =
        ⊥-elim (cant-reduce-value-and-blame v M→V M→blame)
  ... | inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame) = M′→blame
  ... | inj₂ (inj₂ (N , M→N , eq)) =
        ⊥-elim (step-blame-plus-one M→N M→blame eq)

Definition of the Logical Relation

The logical relation acts as a bridge between term precision and semantic approximation. As alluded to above, it packs away extra information when relating two lambda abstractions. However, while this idea is straightforward, especially in the context of the simply-typed lambda calculus (STLC), the definition of logical relation for the cast calculus is rather more involved. We start by reviewing how one would define a logical relation for the STLC, then introduce the complications needed for the cast calculus.

For the STLC, the logical relation would consist of two relations, one for terms and another for values, and it would be indexed by their type A.

M ≼ᴸᴿₜ M′ ⦂ A
V ≼ᴸᴿᵥ V′ ⦂ A

The relation for values would be defined as an Agda function by recursion on the type A. At base type we relate literals if they are identical.

($ c) ≼ᴸᴿᵥ ($ c′) ⦂ ι   =   c ≡ c′

At function type, two lambda abstractions are related if substituting related arguments into their bodies yields related terms.

(ƛ N) ≼ᴸᴿᵥ (ƛ N′) ⦂ A ⇒ B = 
    ∀ W W′ → W ≼ᴸᴿᵥ W′ ⦂ A → N [ W ] ≼ᴸᴿₜ N′ [ W′ ] ⦂ B

The recursive uses of ≼ᴸᴿᵥ and ≼ᴸᴿₜ at type A and B in the above are Okay because those types are part of the function type A ⇒ B.

The definition of the relation on terms would have the following form.

M ≼ᴸᴿₜ M′ ⦂ A =  M —↠ V → ∃[ V′ ] M′ —↠ V′ × V ≼ᴸᴿᵥ V′ ⦂ A

The first challenge regarding the Cast Calculus is handling the unknown type and its value form, the injection V ⟨ G !⟩ that casts value V from the ground type G to . One might try to define the case for injection as follows

V ⟨ G !⟩ ≼ᴸᴿᵥ V′ ⟨ H !⟩ ⦂ ★
    with G ≡ H
... | yes refl = V ≼ᴸᴿᵥ V′ ⦂ G
... | no neq = ⊥

but then realize that Agda rejects the recursion on type G as that type is not a subpart of .

At this point one might think to try defining the logical relation using a data declaration in Agda, but then one gets stuck in the case for function type because the recursion W ≼ᴸᴿᵥ W′ ⦂ A appears to the left of an implication.

This is where step indexing comes into play. We add an extra parameter to the relation, a natural number, and decrement that number in the recursive calls. Here’s a first attempt. We’ll define the following two functions, parameterized on the step index k and the direction dir (just like in the semantic approximation above.)

dir ∣ V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′ ⦂ A⊑A′ for k
dir ∣ M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′ ⦂ A⊑A′ for k

When the step-index is at zero, we relate all values.

dir ∣ V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′ ⦂ A⊑A′ for zero = ⊤

For suc k, we proceed by cases on precision A ⊑ A′. In the case for unk⊑unk, where we need to relate injections to on both sides, the recursion uses step index k to relate the underlying values.

dir ∣ V ⟨ G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′ ⟨ H !⟩ ⦂ unk⊑unk for (suc k)
    with G ≡ᵍ H
... | yes refl = Value V × Value V′ × (dir ∣ V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′ ⦂ Refl⊑ for k)
... | no neq = ⊥

In the case for relating function types, we could try the following

dir ∣ ƛ N ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ ƛ N′ ⦂ (fun⊑ A⊑A′ B⊑B′) for (suc k) =
  ∀ W W′ → (dir ∣ W ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′ ⦂ A⊑A′ for k)
         → (dir ∣ (N [ W ]) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (N′ [ W′ ]) ⦂ B⊑B′ for k) 

which again is Okay regarding termination because the recursion is at the small step-index k. Unfortunately, we run into another problem. Our proofs will depend on the logical relation being downward closed. In general, a step-indexed property S is downward closed if, whenever it is true at a given step index n, it remains true at smaller step indices.

downClosed : (ℕ → Set) → Set
downClosed S = ∀ n → S n → ∀ k → k ≤ n → S k

The above definition of the relation for function types is not downward closed. The fix is to allow the recursion at any number j that is less-than-or-equal to k.

dir ∣ ƛ N ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ ƛ N′ ⦂ (fun⊑ A⊑A′ B⊑B′) for (suc k) =
  ∀ W W′ j → j ≤ k → (dir ∣ W ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′ ⦂ A⊑A′ for j)
         → (dir ∣ (N [ W ]) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (N′ [ W′ ]) ⦂ B⊑B′ for j) 

But now Agda rejects this definition because it is not structurally recursive, i.e., j is not a subpart of suc k. One could instead define the relation by strong recursion and then proceed to prove that it is downward closed. I’ve tried that approach and it works. However, using strong recursion in Agda is somewhat annoying, as is the proof of downward closedness. We instead use the StepIndexedLogic library to define the logical relation, which enables the definition of recursive predicates and proves downward closedness for us. However, there is some overhead involved in using the StepIndexedLogic library.

open import StepIndexedLogic

Recall that the StepIndexedLogic library provides an operator μᵒ that takes a non-recursive predicate (with an extra parameter) and turns it into a recursive predicate where the extra parameter is bound to itself. However, the library does not directly support mutually recursive predicates, so we must merge the two into a single predicate whose input is a disjoint union (aka. sum type), and then dispatch back out to separate predicates, which we name LRᵥ (for values) and LRₜ (for terms). The predicates are indexed not only by the two terms and the direction ( or ), but also by the precision relation between the types of the two terms.

LR-type : Set
LR-type = (Prec × Dir × Term × Term)  (Prec × Dir × Term × Term)

LR-ctx : Context
LR-ctx = LR-type  []

LRᵥ : Prec  Dir  Term  Term  Setˢ LR-ctx (cons Later )
LRₜ : Prec  Dir  Term  Term  Setˢ LR-ctx (cons Later )
_∣_ˢ⊑ᴸᴿₜ_⦂_ : Dir  Term  Term  ∀{A}{A′} (A⊑A′ : A  A′)
    Setˢ LR-ctx (cons Now )
dir  M ˢ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′ = (inj₂ ((_ , _ , A⊑A′) , dir , M , M′))  zeroˢ

_∣_ˢ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ_⦂_ : Dir  Term  Term  ∀{A}{A′} (A⊑A′ : A  A′)
    Setˢ LR-ctx (cons Now )
dir  V ˢ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  A⊑A′ = (inj₁ ((_ , _ , A⊑A′) , dir , V , V′))  zeroˢ
  TermInhabited : Inhabited Term
  TermInhabited = record { elt = ` 0 }

The definition of the logical relation for terms is a reorganized version of semantic approximation that only talks about one step at a time of the term that is being observed. Let us consider the direction, that observes the less-precise term M. The first clause says that M takes a step to N and that N is related to M′ at one tick later in time. The third clause says that M is already a value, and requires M′ to reduce to a value that is related to M. Finally, the second clause allows M′ to produce an error.

LRₜ (A , A′ , c)  M M′ =
   (∃ˢ[ N ] (M —→ N)ˢ ×ˢ ▷ˢ (  N ˢ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c))
   ⊎ˢ (M′ —↠ blame)ˢ
   ⊎ˢ ((Value M)ˢ ×ˢ (∃ˢ[ V′ ] (M′ —↠ V′)ˢ ×ˢ (Value V′)ˢ
                       ×ˢ (LRᵥ (_ , _ , c)  M V′)))

The other direction, , is defined in a symmetric way, observing the reduction of the more-precise M′ instead of M.

LRₜ (A , A′ , c)  M M′ =
   (∃ˢ[ N′ ] (M′ —→ N′)ˢ ×ˢ ▷ˢ (  M ˢ⊑ᴸᴿₜ N′  c))
   ⊎ˢ (Blame M′)ˢ
   ⊎ˢ ((Value M′)ˢ ×ˢ (∃ˢ[ V ] (M —↠ V)ˢ ×ˢ (Value V)ˢ
                                ×ˢ (LRᵥ (_ , _ , c)  V M′)))

Next we proceed to define the logical relation for values, the predicate LRᵥ. In the case of precision for base types base⊑, we only relate identical constants.

LRᵥ (.($ₜ ι) , .($ₜ ι) , base⊑{ι}) dir ($ c) ($ c′) = (c  c′) ˢ
LRᵥ (.($ₜ ι) , .($ₜ ι) , base⊑{ι}) dir V V′ =  ˢ

In the case for related function types, two lambda abstractions are related if, for any two arguments that are related later, substituting the arguments into the bodies produces terms that are related later.

LRᵥ (.(A  B) , .(A′  B′) , fun⊑{A}{B}{A′}{B′} A⊑A′ B⊑B′) dir (ƛ N)(ƛ N′) =
    ∀ˢ[ W ] ∀ˢ[ W′ ] ▷ˢ (dir  W ˢ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′  A⊑A′)
                  →ˢ ▷ˢ (dir  (N [ W ]) ˢ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (N′ [ W′ ])  B⊑B′) 
LRᵥ (.(A  B) , .(A′  B′) , fun⊑{A}{B}{A′}{B′} A⊑A′ B⊑B′) dir V V′ =  ˢ

Notice how in the above definition, we no longer need to quantify over the extra j where j ≤ k. The implication operator →ˢ of the StepIndexedLogic instead takes care of that complication, ensuring that our logical relation is downward closed.

In the case for relating two values of the unknown type , two injections are related if they are injections from the same ground type and if the underlying values are related later.

LRᵥ (. , . , unk⊑unk) dir (V  G !⟩) (V′  H !⟩)
    with G ≡ᵍ H
... | yes refl = (Value V)ˢ ×ˢ (Value V′)ˢ
                 ×ˢ (▷ˢ (dir  V ˢ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  Refl⊑{gnd⇒ty G}))
... | no neq =  ˢ
LRᵥ (. , . , unk⊑unk) dir V V′ =  ˢ

In the case for relating two values where the less precise value is of unknown type but the more precise value is not, our definition depends on the direction ( or ). For the direction, the underlying values must be related later. Alternatively, we could relate them now, by using recusion on the precision derivation d, but the proof of the compatibility lemma for a projection on the more-precise side depends on only requiring the two underlying values to be related later.

LRᵥ (. , .A′ , unk⊑{H}{A′} d)  (V  G !⟩) V′
    with G ≡ᵍ H
... | yes refl = (Value V)ˢ ×ˢ (Value V′)ˢ ×ˢ ▷ˢ (  V ˢ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  d)
... | no neq =  ˢ

For the direction, the underlying values must be related now. Alternatively, we could relate them later, but the proof of the compatibility lemma for a projection on the less-precise side depends on the underlying values being related now.

LRᵥ (. , .A′ , unk⊑{H}{A′} d)  (V  G !⟩) V′
    with G ≡ᵍ H
... | yes refl = (Value V)ˢ ×ˢ (Value V′)ˢ ×ˢ (LRᵥ (gnd⇒ty G , A′ , d)  V V′)
... | no neq =  ˢ
LRᵥ ( , .A′ , unk⊑{H}{A′} d) dir V V′ =  ˢ

With LRₜ and LRᵥ in hand, we can define the combined predicate pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ and then use the fixpoint operator μᵒ from the StepIndexedLogic to define the combined logical relation.

pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ : LR-type  Setˢ LR-ctx (cons Later )
pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (inj₁ (c , dir , V , V′)) = LRᵥ c dir V V′
pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (inj₂ (c , dir , M , M′)) = LRₜ c dir M M′

LRₜ⊎LRᵥ : LR-type  Setᵒ
LRₜ⊎LRᵥ X = μᵒ pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ X

We now give the main definitions for the logical relation, ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ for values and the ⊑ᴸᴿₜ for terms.

_∣_⊑ᴸᴿᵥ_⦂_ : Dir  Term  Term  ∀{A A′}  A  A′  Setᵒ
dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  A⊑A′ = LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (inj₁ ((_ , _ , A⊑A′) , dir , V , V′))

_∣_⊑ᴸᴿₜ_⦂_ : Dir  Term  Term  ∀{A A′}  A  A′  Setᵒ
dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′ = LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (inj₂ ((_ , _ , A⊑A′) , dir , M , M′))

The following notation is for the conjunction of both directions.

_⊑ᴸᴿₜ_⦂_ : Term  Term  ∀{A A′}  A  A′  Setᵒ
M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′ = (  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′) ×ᵒ (  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′)

Relating open terms

The relations that we have defined so far, ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ and ⊑ᴸᴿₜ, only apply to closed terms, that is, terms with no free variables. We also need to related open terms. The standard way to do that is to apply two substitutions to the two terms, replacin each free variable with related values.

So we relate a pair of substitutions γ and γ′ with this definition of Γ ∣ dir ⊨ γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′, which says that the substitutions must be pointwise related using the logical relation for values.

_∣_⊨_⊑ᴸᴿ_ : (Γ : List Prec)  Dir  Subst  Subst  List Setᵒ
[]  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′ = []
((_ , _ , A⊑A′)  Γ)  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′ = (dir  (γ 0) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ (γ′ 0)  A⊑A′)
                      (Γ  dir   x  γ (suc x)) ⊑ᴸᴿ  x  γ′ (suc x)))

We then define two open terms M and M′ to be logically related if there are a pair of related subtitutions γ and γ′ such that applying them to M and M′ produces related terms.

_∣_⊨_⊑ᴸᴿ_⦂_ : List Prec  Dir  Term  Term  Prec  Set
Γ  dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  (_ , _ , A⊑A′) =  (γ γ′ : Subst)
    (Γ  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′) ⊢ᵒ dir  ( γ  M) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ ( γ′  M′)  A⊑A′

We use the following notation for the conjunction of the two directions and define the proj function for accessing each direction.

_⊨_⊑ᴸᴿ_⦂_ : List Prec  Term  Term  Prec  Set
Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  c = (Γ    M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  c) × (Γ    M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  c)

proj :  {Γ}{c}
   (dir : Dir)
   (M M′ : Term)
   Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  c
   Γ  dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  c
proj {Γ} {c}  M M′ M⊑M′ = proj₁ M⊑M′
proj {Γ} {c}  M M′ M⊑M′ = proj₂ M⊑M′

Reasoning about the logical relation

Unfortunately, there is some overhead to using the StepIndexedLogic to define the logical relation. One needs to use the fixpointᵒ theorem to obtain usable definitions.

The following states what we would like the ⊑ᴸᴿₜ relation to look like.

LRₜ-def : ∀{A}{A′}  (A⊑A′ : A  A′)  Dir  Term  Term  Setᵒ
LRₜ-def A⊑A′  M M′ =
   (∃ᵒ[ N ] (M —→ N) ×ᵒ ▷ᵒ (  N ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′))
   ⊎ᵒ (M′ —↠ blame)
   ⊎ᵒ ((Value M) ×ᵒ 
              (∃ᵒ[ V′ ] (M′ —↠ V′) ×ᵒ (Value V′) ×ᵒ (  M ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  A⊑A′)))
LRₜ-def A⊑A′  M M′ =
   (∃ᵒ[ N′ ] (M′ —→ N′) ×ᵒ ▷ᵒ (  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ N′  A⊑A′))
   ⊎ᵒ (Blame M′)
   ⊎ᵒ ((Value M′) ×ᵒ (∃ᵒ[ V ] (M —↠ V) ×ᵒ (Value V)
                               ×ᵒ (  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ M′  A⊑A′)))

We prove that the above is equivalent to ⊑ᴸᴿₜ with the following lemma, using the fixpointᵒ theorem in several places.

LRₜ-stmt : ∀{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{dir}{M}{M′}
    dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′ ≡ᵒ LRₜ-def A⊑A′ dir M M′
LRₜ-stmt {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{dir}{M}{M′} =
  dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′
                 ⩦⟨ ≡ᵒ-refl refl 
  μᵒ pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (X₂ dir)
                 ⩦⟨ fixpointᵒ pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (X₂ dir) 
  # (pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (X₂ dir)) (LRₜ⊎LRᵥ , ttᵖ)
                 ⩦⟨ EQ{dir} 
  LRₜ-def A⊑A′ dir M M′
  c = (A , A′ , A⊑A′)
  X₁ : Dir  LR-type
  X₁ = λ dir  inj₁ (c , dir , M , M′)
  X₂ = λ dir  inj₂ (c , dir , M , M′)
  EQ : ∀{dir}  # (pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (X₂ dir)) (LRₜ⊎LRᵥ , ttᵖ)
                ≡ᵒ LRₜ-def A⊑A′ dir M M′
  EQ {} = cong-⊎ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl)
           (cong-⊎ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl)
            (cong-×ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl) 
             (cong-∃ λ V′  cong-×ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl) (cong-×ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl)
              ((≡ᵒ-sym (fixpointᵒ pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (inj₁ (c ,  , M , V′)))))))))
  EQ {} = cong-⊎ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl) (cong-⊎ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl)
            (cong-×ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl) (cong-∃ λ V  cong-×ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl)
              (cong-×ᵒ (≡ᵒ-refl refl)
               (≡ᵒ-sym (fixpointᵒ pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ (inj₁ (c ,  , V , M′))))))))

In situations where we need to reason with an explicit step index k, we use the following corollary.

LRₜ-suc : ∀{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{dir}{M}{M′}{k}
   #(dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′) (suc k)  #(LRₜ-def A⊑A′ dir M M′) (suc k)
LRₜ-suc {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{dir}{M}{M′}{k} =
   ≡ᵒ⇒⇔{k = suc k} (LRₜ-stmt{A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{dir}{M}{M′})

The logical relation implies semantic approximation

Before getting too much further, its good to check whether the logical relation is strong enough, i.e., it should imply semantic approximation. Indeed, the following somewhat verbose but easy lemma proves that it does so.

LR⇒sem-approx : ∀{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{M}{M′}{k}{dir}
   #(dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′) (suc k)
   dir  M  M′ for k
LR⇒sem-approx {A} {A′} {A⊑A′} {M} {M′} {zero} {} M⊑M′sk =
    inj₂ (inj₂ (M , (M END) , refl))
LR⇒sem-approx {A} {A′} {A⊑A′} {M} {M′} {suc k} {} M⊑M′sk
    with ⇔-to (LRₜ-suc{dir = }) M⊑M′sk
... | inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame) =
      inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame)
... | inj₂ (inj₂ (m , (V′ , M′→V′ , v′ , 𝒱≼V′M))) =
      inj₁ ((M , (M END) , m) , (V′ , M′→V′ , v′))
... | inj₁ (N , M→N , ▷N⊑M′)
    with LR⇒sem-approx{dir = } ▷N⊑M′
... | inj₁ ((V , M→V , v) , (V′ , M′→V′ , v′)) =
      inj₁ ((V , (M —→⟨ M→N  M→V) , v) , (V′ , M′→V′ , v′))
... | inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame) =
      inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame)
... | inj₂ (inj₂ (L , N→L , eq)) =
      inj₂ (inj₂ (L , (M —→⟨ M→N  N→L) , cong suc eq))
LR⇒sem-approx {A} {A′} {A⊑A′} {M} {M′} {zero} {} M⊑M′sk =
    inj₂ (inj₂ (M′ , (M′ END) , refl))
LR⇒sem-approx {A} {A′} {A⊑A′} {M} {M′} {suc k} {} M⊑M′sk
    with ⇔-to (LRₜ-suc{dir = }) M⊑M′sk
... | inj₂ (inj₁ isBlame) =
      inj₂ (inj₁ (blame END))
... | inj₂ (inj₂ (m′ , V , M→V , v , 𝒱≽VM′)) =
      inj₁ ((V , M→V , v) , M′ , (M′ END) , m′)
... | inj₁ (N′ , M′→N′ , ▷M⊑N′)
    with LR⇒sem-approx{dir = } ▷M⊑N′
... | inj₁ ((V , M→V , v) , (V′ , N′→V′ , v′)) =
      inj₁ ((V , M→V , v) , V′ , (M′ —→⟨ M′→N′  N′→V′) , v′)
... | inj₂ (inj₁ N′→blame) = inj₂ (inj₁ (M′ —→⟨ M′→N′  N′→blame))
... | inj₂ (inj₂ (L′ , N′→L′ , eq)) =
      inj₂ (inj₂ (L′ , (M′ —→⟨ M′→N′  N′→L′) , cong suc eq))

The logical relation implies the gradual guarantee

Putting together the above lemma with sem-approx⇒GG, we know that the logical relation implies the gradual guarantee.

LR⇒GG : ∀{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{M}{M′}
    [] ⊢ᵒ M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  A⊑A′
    (M′   M )
   × (M′   M )
   × (M   M′   M′ —↠ blame)
   × (M   M′ ⇑⊎blame)
   × (M —↠ blame  M′ —↠ blame)
LR⇒GG {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{M}{M′} ⊨M⊑M′ =
  sem-approx⇒GG{A⊑A′ = A⊑A′}  k  ≼⊨M⊑M′ , ≽⊨M⊑M′)
  ≼⊨M⊑M′ : ∀{k}    M  M′ for k
  ≼⊨M⊑M′ {k} = LR⇒sem-approx {k = k}{dir = }
                   (⊢ᵒ-elim (proj₁ᵒ ⊨M⊑M′) (suc k) tt) 
  ≽⊨M⊑M′ : ∀{k}    M  M′ for k
  ≽⊨M⊑M′ {k} = LR⇒sem-approx {k = k}{dir = }
                   (⊢ᵒ-elim (proj₂ᵒ ⊨M⊑M′) (suc k) tt)

Looking forward to the fundamental lemma

The fundamental lemma is the last, but largest, piece of the puzzle. It states that if M and M′ are related by term precision, then they are also logically related.

fundamental : ∀ {Γ}{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A ⊑ A′} → (M M′ : Term)
  → Γ ⊩ M ⊑ M′ ⦂ A⊑A′
  → Γ ⊨ M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′ ⦂ (A , A′ , A⊑A′)

The proof of the fundamental lemma is by induction on the term precision relation, with each case proved as a separate lemma. By tradition, we refer to these lemmas as the compatibility lemmas. The proofs of the compatibility lemmas rely on a considerable number of technical lemmas regarding the logical relation, which we prove next.

The logical relation is preserved by anti-reduction (aka. expansion)

If two terms are related, then taking a step backwards with either or both of the terms yields related terms. For example, if ≼ ∣ N ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′ and we step N backwards to M, then we have ≼ ∣ M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′.

anti-reduction-≼-L-one : ∀{A}{A′}{c : A  A′}{M}{N}{M′}{i}
   #(  N ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) i
   (M→N : M —→ N)
   #(  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) (suc i)
anti-reduction-≼-L-one {c = c} {M} {N} {M′} {i} ℰ≼NM′i M→N =
  inj₁ (N , M→N , ℰ≼NM′i)

Because the direction observes the reduction steps of the less-precise term, and the above lemma is about taking a backward step with the less-precise term, the step index increases by one, i.e., not the i in the premise and suc i in the conclusion above.

If instead the backward step is taken by the more-precise term, then the step index does not change, as in the following lemma.

anti-reduction-≼-R-one : ∀{A}{A′}{c : A  A′}{M}{M′}{N′}{i}
   #(  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ N′  c) i
   (M′→N′ : M′ —→ N′)
   #(  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) i
anti-reduction-≼-R-one {c = c}{M}{M′}{N′}{zero} ℰMN′ M′→N′ =
  tz (  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c)
anti-reduction-≼-R-one {c = c}{M}{M′}{N′}{suc i} ℰMN′ M′→N′
    with ℰMN′
... | inj₁ (N , M→N , ▷ℰNN′) =
         let ℰNM′si = anti-reduction-≼-R-one ▷ℰNN′ M′→N′ in
         inj₁ (N , M→N , ℰNM′si)
... | inj₂ (inj₁ N′→blame) = inj₂ (inj₁ (unit M′→N′ ++ N′→blame))
... | inj₂ (inj₂ (m , (V′ , N′→V′ , v′ , 𝒱MV′))) =
      inj₂ (inj₂ (m , (V′ , (unit M′→N′ ++ N′→V′) , v′ , 𝒱MV′)))

Here are the anti-reduction lemmas for the direction.

anti-reduction-≽-L-one : ∀{A}{A′}{c : A  A′}{M}{N}{M′}{i}
   #(  N ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) i
   (M→N : M —→ N)
   #(  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) i
anti-reduction-≽-L-one {c = c}{M} {N}{M′} {zero} ℰNM′ M→N =
    tz (  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c)
anti-reduction-≽-L-one {M = M} {N}{M′}  {suc i} ℰNM′ M→N
    with ℰNM′
... | inj₁ (N′ , M′→N′ , ▷ℰMN′) =
      inj₁ (N′ , (M′→N′ , (anti-reduction-≽-L-one ▷ℰMN′ M→N)))
... | inj₂ (inj₁ isBlame) = inj₂ (inj₁ isBlame)
... | inj₂ (inj₂ (m′ , V , N→V , v , 𝒱VM′)) =
      inj₂ (inj₂ (m′ , V , (unit M→N ++ N→V) , v , 𝒱VM′))

anti-reduction-≽-R-one : ∀{A}{A′}{c : A  A′}{M}{M′}{N′}{i}
   #(  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ N′  c) i
   (M′→N′ : M′ —→ N′)
   #(  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) (suc i)
anti-reduction-≽-R-one {c = c} {M} {M′}{N′} {i} ℰ≽MN′ M′→N′ =
  inj₁ (N′ , M′→N′ , ℰ≽MN′)

Putting together the above lemmas, we show that taking a step backwards on both sides yields terms that are related.

anti-reduction : ∀{A}{A′}{c : A  A′}{M}{N}{M′}{N′}{i}{dir}
   #(dir  N ⊑ᴸᴿₜ N′  c) i
   (M→N : M —→ N)
   (M′→N′ : M′ —→ N′)
   #(dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) (suc i)
anti-reduction {c = c} {M} {N} {M′} {N′} {i} {} ℰNN′i M→N M′→N′ =
  let ℰMN′si = anti-reduction-≼-L-one ℰNN′i M→N in
  let ℰM′N′si = anti-reduction-≼-R-one ℰMN′si M′→N′ in
anti-reduction {c = c} {M} {N} {M′} {N′} {i} {} ℰNN′i M→N M′→N′ =
  let ℰM′Nsi = anti-reduction-≽-R-one ℰNN′i M′→N′ in
  let ℰM′N′si = anti-reduction-≽-L-one ℰM′Nsi M→N in

We shall also need to know that taking multiple steps backwards is preserved by the logical relation. For the direction, we need this for taking backward steps with the more-precise term.

anti-reduction-≼-R : ∀{A}{A′}{c : A  A′}{M}{M′}{N′}{i}
   #(  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ N′  c) i
   (M′→N′ : M′ —↠ N′)
   #(  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) i
anti-reduction-≼-R {M′ = M′} ℰMN′ (.M′ END) = ℰMN′
anti-reduction-≼-R {M′ = M′} {N′} {i} ℰMN′ (.M′ —→⟨ M′→L′  L′→*N′) =
  anti-reduction-≼-R-one (anti-reduction-≼-R ℰMN′ L′→*N′) M′→L′

For the direction, we need this for taking backward steps with the less-precise term.

anti-reduction-≽-L : ∀{A}{A′}{c : A  A′}{M}{N}{M′}{i}
   #(  N ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) i
   (M→N : M —↠ N)
   #(  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  c) i
anti-reduction-≽-L {c = c} {M} {.M} {N′} {i} ℰNM′ (.M END) = ℰNM′
anti-reduction-≽-L {c = c} {M} {M′} {N′} {i} ℰNM′ (.M —→⟨ M→L  L→*N) =
  anti-reduction-≽-L-one (anti-reduction-≽-L ℰNM′ L→*N) M→L

Blame is more precise

The blame term immediately errors, so it is logically related to any term on the less-precise side.

LRₜ-blame-step : ∀{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{dir}{M}{k}
    #(dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ blame  A⊑A′) k
LRₜ-blame-step {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{dir} {M} {zero} = tz (dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ blame  A⊑A′)
LRₜ-blame-step {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{} {M} {suc k} = inj₂ (inj₁ (blame END))
LRₜ-blame-step {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{} {M} {suc k} = inj₂ (inj₁ isBlame)

LRₜ-blame : ∀{𝒫}{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{M}{dir}
    𝒫 ⊢ᵒ dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ blame  A⊑A′
LRₜ-blame {𝒫}{A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{M}{dir} = ⊢ᵒ-intro λ n x  LRₜ-blame-step{dir = dir}

Next we turn to proving lemmas regarding the logical relation for values.

Related values are syntatic values

The definitionn of ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ included several clauses that ensured that the related values are indeed syntactic values. Here we make use of that to prove that indeed, logically related values are syntactic values.

LRᵥ⇒Value :  {k}{dir}{A}{A′} (A⊑A′ : A  A′) M M′
    # (dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ M′  A⊑A′) (suc k)
    Value M × Value M′
LRᵥ⇒Value {k}{dir} unk⊑unk (V  G !⟩) (V′  H !⟩) 𝒱MM′
    with G ≡ᵍ H
... | no neq = ⊥-elim 𝒱MM′
... | yes refl
    with 𝒱MM′
... | v , v′ , _ = (v  G ) , (v′  G )
LRᵥ⇒Value {k}{} (unk⊑{H}{A′} d) (V  G !⟩) V′ 𝒱VGV′
    with G ≡ᵍ H
... | yes refl
    with 𝒱VGV′
... | v , v′ , _ = (v  _ ) , v′
LRᵥ⇒Value {k}{} (unk⊑{H}{A′} d) (V  G !⟩) V′ 𝒱VGV′
    with G ≡ᵍ H
... | yes refl
    with 𝒱VGV′
... | v , v′ , _ = (v  _ ) , v′
LRᵥ⇒Value {k}{dir} (unk⊑{H}{A′} d) (V  G !⟩) V′ 𝒱VGV′
    | no neq = ⊥-elim 𝒱VGV′
LRᵥ⇒Value {k}{dir} (base⊑{ι}) ($ c) ($ c′) refl = ( c) , ( c)
LRᵥ⇒Value {k}{dir} (fun⊑ A⊑A′ B⊑B′) (ƛ N) (ƛ N′) 𝒱VV′ =
    (ƛ̬ N) , (ƛ̬ N′)

Logically related values are logically related terms

If two values are related via ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ, then they are also related via ⊑ᴸᴿₜ at the same step index.

LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step : ∀{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{V V′}{dir}{k}
    #(dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  A⊑A′) k
    #(dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′  A⊑A′) k
LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{V} {V′} {dir} {zero} 𝒱VV′k =
   tz (dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′  A⊑A′)
LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{V} {V′} {} {suc k} 𝒱VV′sk =
  ⇔-fro (LRₜ-suc{dir = })
  (let (v , v′) = LRᵥ⇒Value A⊑A′ V V′ 𝒱VV′sk in
  (inj₂ (inj₂ (v , (V′ , (V′ END) , v′ , 𝒱VV′sk)))))
LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{V} {V′} {} {suc k} 𝒱VV′sk =
  ⇔-fro (LRₜ-suc{dir = })
  (let (v , v′) = LRᵥ⇒Value A⊑A′ V V′ 𝒱VV′sk in
  inj₂ (inj₂ (v′ , V , (V END) , v , 𝒱VV′sk)))

As a corollary, this holds for all step indices, i.e., it holds in the logic.

LRᵥ⇒LRₜ : ∀{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{𝒫}{V V′}{dir}
    𝒫 ⊢ᵒ dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  A⊑A′
    𝒫 ⊢ᵒ dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′  A⊑A′
LRᵥ⇒LRₜ {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{𝒫}{V}{V′}{dir} ⊢𝒱VV′ = ⊢ᵒ-intro λ k 𝒫k 
  LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step{V = V}{V′}{dir}{k} (⊢ᵒ-elim ⊢𝒱VV′ k 𝒫k)

Equations regarding ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ

We apply the fixpointᵒ theorem to fold or unfold the definition of related lambda abstractions.

LRᵥ-fun : ∀{A B A′ B′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}{B⊑B′ : B  B′}{N}{N′}{dir}
    (dir  (ƛ N) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ (ƛ N′)  fun⊑ A⊑A′ B⊑B′)
      ≡ᵒ (∀ᵒ[ W ] ∀ᵒ[ W′ ] ((▷ᵒ (dir  W ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′  A⊑A′))
                →ᵒ (▷ᵒ (dir  (N [ W ]) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (N′ [ W′ ])  B⊑B′))))
LRᵥ-fun {A}{B}{A′}{B′}{A⊑A′}{B⊑B′}{N}{N′}{dir} =
   let X = inj₁ ((A  B , A′  B′ , fun⊑ A⊑A′ B⊑B′) , dir , ƛ N , ƛ N′) in
   (dir  (ƛ N) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ (ƛ N′)  fun⊑ A⊑A′ B⊑B′)  ⩦⟨ ≡ᵒ-refl refl 
   LRₜ⊎LRᵥ X                                       ⩦⟨ fixpointᵒ pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ X 
   # (pre-LRₜ⊎LRᵥ X) (LRₜ⊎LRᵥ , ttᵖ)                          ⩦⟨ ≡ᵒ-refl refl 
   (∀ᵒ[ W ] ∀ᵒ[ W′ ] ((▷ᵒ (dir  W ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′  A⊑A′))
                   →ᵒ (▷ᵒ (dir  (N [ W ]) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (N′ [ W′ ])  B⊑B′)))) 

Elimination rules for ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ

If we are given that two values are logically related at two types related by a particular precision rule, then we can deduce something about the shape of the values.

If the two types are base types, then the values are identical literals.

LRᵥ-base-elim-step : ∀{ι}{ι′}{c : $ₜ ι  $ₜ ι′}{V}{V′}{dir}{k}
   #(dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) (suc k)
   ∃[ c ] ι  ι′ × V  $ c × V′  $ c
LRᵥ-base-elim-step {ι} {.ι} {base⊑} {$ c} {$ c′} {dir} {k} refl =
  c , refl , refl , refl

If the two types are function types related by fun⊑, then the values are lambda expressions and their bodies are related as follows.

LRᵥ-fun-elim-step : ∀{A}{B}{A′}{B′}{c : A  A′}{d : B  B′}{V}{V′}{dir}{k}{j}
   #(dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  fun⊑ c d) (suc k)
   j  k
   ∃[ N ] ∃[ N′ ] V  ƛ N × V′  ƛ N′ 
      × (∀{W W′}  # (dir  W ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′  c) j
                  # (dir  (N [ W ]) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (N′ [ W′ ])  d) j)
LRᵥ-fun-elim-step {A}{B}{A′}{B′}{c}{d}{ƛ N}{ƛ N′}{dir}{k}{j} 𝒱VV′ j≤k =
  N , N′ , refl , refl , λ {W}{W′} 𝒱WW′ 
    let 𝒱λNλN′sj = down (dir  (ƛ N) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ (ƛ N′)  fun⊑ c d)
                        (suc k) 𝒱VV′ (suc j) (s≤s j≤k) in
    let ℰNWN′W′j = 𝒱λNλN′sj W W′ (suc j) ≤-refl 𝒱WW′ in

For the direction, if the two types are related by unk⊑, so the less-precise side has type , then the value on the less-precise side is an injection and its underlying value is related later.

LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≼ : ∀{V}{V′}{k}{H}{A′}{c : gnd⇒ty H  A′}
    #(  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  unk⊑ c) (suc k)
    ∃[ V₁ ] V  V₁  H !⟩ × Value V₁ × Value V′
             × #(  V₁ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) k
LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≼ {V  G !⟩}{V′}{k}{H}{A′}{c} 𝒱VGV′
    with G ≡ᵍ H
... | no neq = ⊥-elim 𝒱VGV′
... | yes refl
    with 𝒱VGV′
... | v , v′ , 𝒱VV′ = V , refl , v , v′ , 𝒱VV′

For the direction, if the two types are related by unk⊑, so the less-precise side has type , then the value on the less-precise side is an injection and its underlying value is related now, i.e., at the same step-index.

LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≽ : ∀{V}{V′}{k}{H}{A′}{c : gnd⇒ty H  A′}
    #(  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  unk⊑ c) (suc k)
    ∃[ V₁ ] V  V₁  H !⟩ × Value V₁ × Value V′
             × #(  V₁ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) (suc k)
LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≽ {V  G !⟩}{V′}{k}{H}{A′}{c} 𝒱VGV′
    with G ≡ᵍ H
... | no neq = ⊥-elim 𝒱VGV′
... | yes refl
    with 𝒱VGV′
... | v , v′ , 𝒱VV′ = V , refl , v , v′ , 𝒱VV′

Introduction rules for ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ

In the proofs of the compatibility lemmas we will often need to prove that values of a particular form are related by ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ. The following lemmas do this. We shall need lemmas to handle injections on both the less and more-precise side, and in both directions and .

We start with the introduction rule for relating literals at base type.

LRᵥ-base-intro-step : ∀{ι}{dir}{c}{k}  # (dir  ($ c) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ ($ c)  base⊑{ι}) k
LRᵥ-base-intro-step {ι} {dir} {c} {zero} = tt
LRᵥ-base-intro-step {ι} {dir} {c} {suc k} = refl

LRᵥ-base-intro : ∀{𝒫}{ι}{c}{dir}
    𝒫 ⊢ᵒ dir  ($ c) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ ($ c)  base⊑{ι}
LRᵥ-base-intro{𝒫}{ι}{c}{dir} = ⊢ᵒ-intro λ k 𝒫k 

In the direction, an injection on the more-precise side is related if its underlying value is related at the same step index.

LRᵥ-inject-R-intro-≽ : ∀{G}{c :   gnd⇒ty G}{V}{V′}{k}
    #(  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) k
    #(  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ (V′  G !⟩)  unk⊑unk) k
LRᵥ-inject-R-intro-≽ {G} {c} {V} {V′} {zero} 𝒱VV′ =
     tz (  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ (V′  G !⟩)  unk⊑unk)
LRᵥ-inject-R-intro-≽ {G} {c} {V} {V′} {suc k} 𝒱VV′sk
    with unk⊑gnd-inv c
... | d , refl
    with LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≽ {V}{V′}{k}{G}{_}{d} 𝒱VV′sk
... | V₁ , refl , v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′sk
    with G ≡ᵍ G
... | no neq = ⊥-elim 𝒱VV′sk
... | yes refl
    with gnd-prec-unique d Refl⊑
... | refl =
    let 𝒱V₁V′k = down (  V₁ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  d) (suc k) 𝒱V₁V′sk k (n≤1+n k) in
    v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′k

The same is true for the direction.

LRᵥ-inject-R-intro-≼ : ∀{G}{c :   gnd⇒ty G}{V}{V′}{k}
    #(  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) k
    #(  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ (V′  G !⟩)  unk⊑unk) k
LRᵥ-inject-R-intro-≼ {G} {c} {V} {V′} {zero} 𝒱VV′ =
     tz (  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ (V′  G !⟩)  unk⊑unk)
LRᵥ-inject-R-intro-≼ {G} {c} {V} {V′} {suc k} 𝒱VV′sk
    with unk⊑gnd-inv c
... | d , refl
    with LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≼ {V}{V′}{k}{G}{_}{d} 𝒱VV′sk
... | V₁ , refl , v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′k
    with G ≡ᵍ G
... | no neq = ⊥-elim 𝒱VV′sk
... | yes refl
    with gnd-prec-unique d Refl⊑
... | refl = v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′k

We combine both directions into the following lemma.

LRᵥ-inject-R-intro : ∀{G}{c :   gnd⇒ty G}{V}{V′}{k}{dir}
    #(dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) k
    #(dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ (V′  G !⟩)  unk⊑unk) k
LRᵥ-inject-R-intro {G} {c} {V} {V′} {k} {} 𝒱VV′ =
   LRᵥ-inject-R-intro-≼{G} {c} {V} {V′} {k} 𝒱VV′ 
LRᵥ-inject-R-intro {G} {c} {V} {V′} {k} {} 𝒱VV′ =
   LRᵥ-inject-R-intro-≽{G} {c} {V} {V′} {k} 𝒱VV′

In the direction, an injection on the less-precise side is related if its underlying value is related at one step earlier.

LRᵥ-inject-L-intro-≼ : ∀{G}{A′}{c : gnd⇒ty G  A′}{V}{V′}{k}
    Value V
    Value V′
    #(  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) k
    #(  (V  G !⟩) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  unk⊑ c) (suc k)
LRᵥ-inject-L-intro-≼ {G} {A′} {c} {V} {V′} {k} v v′ 𝒱VV′k
    with G ≡ᵍ G
... | no neq = ⊥-elim (neq refl)
... | yes refl =
    v , v′ , 𝒱VV′k

In the direction, an injection on the less-precise side is related if its underlying value is related now, i.e., at the same step index.

LRᵥ-inject-L-intro-≽ : ∀{G}{A′}{c : gnd⇒ty G  A′}{V}{V′}{k}
    #(  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) k
    #(  (V  G !⟩) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  unk⊑ c) k
LRᵥ-inject-L-intro-≽ {G}{A′}{c}{V}{V′}{zero} 𝒱VV′k =
    tz (  (V  G !⟩) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  unk⊑ c)
LRᵥ-inject-L-intro-≽ {G} {A′} {c} {V} {V′} {suc k} 𝒱VV′sk
    with G ≡ᵍ G
... | no neq = ⊥-elim (neq refl)
... | yes refl =
      let (v , v′) = LRᵥ⇒Value c V V′ 𝒱VV′sk in
      v , v′ , 𝒱VV′sk

We can combine the two directions into the following lemma, which states that an injection on the less-precise side is related if its underlying value at the same step index. The proof uses downward closedness in the direction.

LRᵥ-inject-L-intro : ∀{G}{A′}{c : gnd⇒ty G  A′}{V}{V′}{dir}{k}
    #(dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) k
    #(dir  (V  G !⟩) ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  unk⊑ c) k
LRᵥ-inject-L-intro {G} {A′} {c} {V} {V′} {} {zero} 𝒱VV′k =
    tz (  V  G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  unk⊑ c)
LRᵥ-inject-L-intro {G} {A′} {c} {V} {V′} {} {suc k} 𝒱VV′sk
    with G ≡ᵍ G
... | no neq = ⊥-elim (neq refl)
... | yes refl =
    let (v , v′) = LRᵥ⇒Value c V V′ 𝒱VV′sk in
    let 𝒱VV′k = down (  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  c) (suc k) 𝒱VV′sk k (n≤1+n k) in
    v , v′ , 𝒱VV′k 
LRᵥ-inject-L-intro {G} {A′} {c} {V} {V′} {} {k} 𝒱VV′k =
   LRᵥ-inject-L-intro-≽{G} {A′} {c} {V} {V′} 𝒱VV′k 

The Bind Lemma

The last technical lemma before we get to the compatibility lemmas in the gnarly Bind Lemma.

Let F and F′ be possibly empty frames and recall that the _⦉_⦊ notation is for plugging a term into a frame.

Roughly speaking, the Bind Lemma shows that if you are trying to prove

F ⦉ M ⦊ ⊑ᴸᴿₜ F′ ⦉ M′ ⦊

for arbitrary terms M and M′, then it suffices to prove that

F ⦉ V ⦊ ⊑ᴸᴿₜ F′ ⦉ V′ ⦊

for some values V and V′ under the assumptions

M —↠ V
M′ —↠ V′
V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′

The Bind Lemma is used in all of the compatibility lemmas concerning terms that have may have reducible sub-terms, i.e., application, injection, and projection.

Here is the statement of the Bind lemma with all the gory details.

LRₜ-bind : ∀{B}{B′}{c : B ⊑ B′}{A}{A′}{d : A ⊑ A′}
   → #(dir ∣ M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′ ⦂ d) i
   → (∀ j V V′ → j ≤ i → M —↠ V → Value V → M′ —↠ V′ → Value V′
         → #(dir ∣ V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′ ⦂ d) j
         → #(dir ∣ (F ⦉ V ⦊) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (F′ ⦉ V′ ⦊) ⦂ c) j)
   → #(dir ∣ (F ⦉ M ⦊) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (F′ ⦉ M′ ⦊) ⦂ c) i

We define the following abbreviation for the (∀ j V V′ ...) premise of the Bind Lemma.

bind-premise : Dir  PEFrame  PEFrame  Term  Term  
     {B}{B′}(c : B  B′)   {A}{A′} (d : A  A′)  Set
bind-premise dir F F′ M M′ i c d =
    (∀ j V V′  j  i  M —↠ V  Value V  M′ —↠ V′  Value V′
      # (dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  d) j
      # (dir  (F  V ) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (F′  V′ )  c) j)

The premise is preserved with respect to M reducing to N and also M′ reducing to N′, with the step index decreasing by one, which we show in the following two lemmas.

LRᵥ→LRₜ-down-one-≼ : ∀{B}{B′}{c : B  B′}{A}{A′}{d : A  A′}
    M —→ N
    (bind-premise  F F′ M M′ (suc i) c d)
    (bind-premise  F F′ N M′ i c d)
LRᵥ→LRₜ-down-one-≼ {B}{B′}{c}{A}{A′}{d}{F}{F′}{i}{M}{N}{M′} M→N LRᵥ→LRₜsi
   j V V′ j≤i M→V v M′→V′ v′ 𝒱j =
   LRᵥ→LRₜsi j V V′ (≤-trans j≤i (n≤1+n i)) (M —→⟨ M→N  M→V) v M′→V′ v′ 𝒱j

LRᵥ→LRₜ-down-one-≽ : ∀{B}{B′}{c : B  B′}{A}{A′}{d : A  A′}
    M′ —→ N′
    (bind-premise  F F′ M M′ (suc i) c d)
    (bind-premise  F F′ M N′ i c d)
LRᵥ→LRₜ-down-one-≽ {B}{B′}{c}{A}{A′}{d}{F}{F′}{i}{M}{N}{M′} M′→N′ LRᵥ→LRₜsi
   j V V′ j≤i M→V v M′→V′ v′ 𝒱j =
   LRᵥ→LRₜsi j V V′ (≤-trans j≤i (n≤1+n i)) M→V v (N —→⟨ M′→N′  M′→V′) v′ 𝒱j

The Bind Lemma is proved by induction on the step index i. The base case is trivially true because the logical relation is always true at zero. For the inductive step, we reason separately about the two directions and , and then reason by cases on the premise that M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′. If M or M′ take a single step to related terms, we use the induction hypothesis, applying the above lemmas to obtain the premise of the induction hypothesis. If M or M′ are values, then we use the anti-reduction lemmas. Otherwise, if M′ is blame, then F′ ⦉ blame ⦊ reduces to blame.

LRₜ-bind : ∀{B}{B′}{c : B  B′}{A}{A′}{d : A  A′}
    #(dir  M ⊑ᴸᴿₜ M′  d) i
    (∀ j V V′  j  i  M —↠ V  Value V  M′ —↠ V′  Value V′
          #(dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  d) j
          #(dir  (F  V ) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (F′  V′ )  c) j)
    #(dir  (F  M ) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (F′  M′ )  c) i
LRₜ-bind {B}{B′}{c}{A}{A′}{d}{F} {F′} {M} {M′} {zero} {dir} ℰMM′sz LRᵥ→LRₜj =
    tz (dir  (F  M ) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (F′  M′ )  c)
LRₜ-bind {B}{B′}{c}{A}{A′}{d}{F}{F′}{M}{M′}{suc i}{} ℰMM′si LRᵥ→LRₜj
    with ⇔-to (LRₜ-suc{dir = }) ℰMM′si
... | inj₁ (N , M→N , ▷ℰNM′) =
     let IH = LRₜ-bind{c = c}{d = d}{F}{F′}{N}{M′}{i}{} ▷ℰNM′
                (LRᵥ→LRₜ-down-one-≼{c = c}{d = d}{F}{F′}{i}{M}{N}{M′}
                     M→N LRᵥ→LRₜj) in
      ⇔-fro (LRₜ-suc{dir = }) (inj₁ ((F  N ) , ξ′ F refl refl M→N , IH))
LRₜ-bind {B}{B′}{c}{A}{A′}{d}{F}{F′}{M}{M′}{suc i}{} ℰMM′si LRᵥ→LRₜj 
    | inj₂ (inj₂ (m , (V′ , M′→V′ , v′ , 𝒱MV′))) =
      let ℰFMF′V′ = LRᵥ→LRₜj (suc i) M V′ ≤-refl (M END) m M′→V′ v′ 𝒱MV′ in
      anti-reduction-≼-R ℰFMF′V′ (ξ′* F′ M′→V′)
LRₜ-bind {B}{B′}{c}{A}{A′}{d}{F}{F′}{M}{M′}{suc i}{} ℰMM′si LRᵥ→LRₜj 
    | inj₂ (inj₁ M′→blame) = inj₂ (inj₁ (ξ-blame₃ F′ M′→blame refl))
LRₜ-bind {B}{B′}{c}{A}{A′}{d}{F}{F′}{M}{M′}{suc i}{} ℰMM′si LRᵥ→LRₜj 
    with ⇔-to (LRₜ-suc{dir = }) ℰMM′si
... | inj₁ (N′ , M′→N′ , ▷ℰMN′) =
      let ℰFMFN′ : # (  (F  M ) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (F′  N′ )  c) i
          ℰFMFN′ = LRₜ-bind{c = c}{d = d}{F}{F′}{M}{N′}{i}{} ▷ℰMN′ 
                   (LRᵥ→LRₜ-down-one-≽{c = c}{d = d}{F}{F′} M′→N′ LRᵥ→LRₜj) in
      inj₁ ((F′  N′ ) , (ξ′ F′ refl refl M′→N′) , ℰFMFN′)
... | inj₂ (inj₁ isBlame)
    with F′
... |  = inj₂ (inj₁ isBlame)
... | ` F″ = inj₁ (blame , ξ-blame F″ , LRₜ-blame-step{dir = })
LRₜ-bind {B}{B′}{c}{A}{A′}{d}{F}{F′}{M}{M′}{suc i}{} ℰMM′si LRᵥ→LRₜj 
    | inj₂ (inj₂ (m′ , V , M→V , v , 𝒱VM′)) =
    let xx = LRᵥ→LRₜj (suc i) V M′ ≤-refl M→V v (M′ END) m′ 𝒱VM′ in
    anti-reduction-≽-L xx (ξ′* F M→V)

Compatibility Lemmas

The end is in sight! We just have to prove nine compatibility lemmas. The first few are easy. The ones about projection are the most interesting.

A literal expression $ c is related to itself, via the LRᵥ-base-intro and LRᵥ⇒LRₜ lemmas.

compatible-literal : ∀{Γ}{c}{ι}
    Γ  $ c ⊑ᴸᴿ $ c  ($ₜ ι , $ₜ ι , base⊑)
compatible-literal {Γ}{c}{ι} =
   γ γ′  LRᵥ⇒LRₜ LRᵥ-base-intro) ,  γ γ′  LRᵥ⇒LRₜ LRᵥ-base-intro)

blame on the right-hand side is logically related to anything on the left (less precise) side.

compatible-blame : ∀{Γ}{A}{M}
    map proj₁ Γ  M  A
    Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ blame  (A , A , Refl⊑)
compatible-blame{Γ}{A}{M} ⊢M =  γ γ′  LRₜ-blame) ,  γ γ′  LRₜ-blame)

Next we prove the compatibility lemmas for variables. For that we need to know that given two related substitutions γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′, applying them to the same variable yields related values: γ x ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ γ′ x.

lookup-⊑ᴸᴿ : ∀{dir} (Γ : List Prec)  (γ γ′ : Subst)
    {A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{x}  Γ  x  (A , A′ , A⊑A′)
   (Γ  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′) ⊢ᵒ dir  γ x ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ γ′ x  A⊑A′
lookup-⊑ᴸᴿ {dir} (.(A , A′ , A⊑A′)  Γ) γ γ′ {A} {A′} {A⊑A′} {zero} refl = Zᵒ
lookup-⊑ᴸᴿ {dir} (B  Γ) γ γ′ {A} {A′} {A⊑A′} {suc x} ∋x =
   Sᵒ (lookup-⊑ᴸᴿ Γ  z  γ (suc z))  z  γ′ (suc z)) ∋x)

We then use LRᵥ⇒LRₜ to show that γ x ⊑ᴸᴿₜ γ′ x. (The sub-var lemma just says that ⟪ γ ⟫ ( x) ≡ γ x`.)

compatibility-var :  {Γ A A′ A⊑A′ x}
   Γ  x  (A , A′ , A⊑A′)
   Γ  ` x ⊑ᴸᴿ ` x  (A , A′ , A⊑A′)
compatibility-var {Γ}{A}{A′}{A⊑A′}{x} ∋x = LT , GT
  LT : Γ    ` x ⊑ᴸᴿ ` x  (A , A′ , A⊑A′)
  LT γ γ′ rewrite sub-var γ x | sub-var γ′ x = LRᵥ⇒LRₜ (lookup-⊑ᴸᴿ Γ γ γ′ ∋x)

  GT : Γ    ` x ⊑ᴸᴿ ` x  (A , A′ , A⊑A′)
  GT γ γ′ rewrite sub-var γ x | sub-var γ′ x = LRᵥ⇒LRₜ (lookup-⊑ᴸᴿ Γ γ γ′ ∋x)

The compatibility lemma for lambda is easy but important. Roughly speaking, tt takes the premise N ⊑ᴸᴿ N′ and stores it in the logical relation for the lambda values, ƛ N ⊑ᴸᴿₜ ƛ N′, which is needed to prove the compatibility lemma for function application.

compatible-lambda : ∀{Γ : List Prec}{A}{B}{C}{D}{N N′ : Term}
     {c : A  C}{d : B  D}
    ((A , C , c)  Γ)  N ⊑ᴸᴿ N′  (B , D , d)
    Γ  (ƛ N) ⊑ᴸᴿ (ƛ N′)  (A  B , C  D , fun⊑ c d)
compatible-lambda{Γ}{A}{B}{C}{D}{N}{N′}{c}{d} ⊨N⊑N′ =
   γ γ′  ⊢ℰλNλN′) ,  γ γ′  ⊢ℰλNλN′)
 ⊢ℰλNλN′ : ∀{dir}{γ}{γ′}  (Γ  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′)
            ⊢ᵒ (dir  ( γ  (ƛ N)) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ ( γ′  (ƛ N′))  fun⊑ c d)
 ⊢ℰλNλN′ {dir}{γ}{γ′} =
     LRᵥ⇒LRₜ (substᵒ (≡ᵒ-sym LRᵥ-fun)
          (Λᵒ[ W ] Λᵒ[ W′ ] →ᵒI {P = ▷ᵒ (dir  W ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′  c)}
            (appᵒ (Sᵒ (▷→ (monoᵒ (→ᵒI ((proj dir N N′ ⊨N⊑N′)
                                            (W  γ) (W′  γ′))))))

The compatibility lemma for function application shows that two applications are logically related

L · M ⊑ᴸᴿ L′ · M′

if their operator and operand terms are logically related

L ⊑ᴸᴿ L′
M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′

The proof starts with two uses of the Bind Lemma, after which it remains to prove

V · W ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′ · W′

for some V, W, V′, and W′ where

L —↠ V, L′ —↠ V′, V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′
M —↠ W, M′ —↠ W′, W ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′

We apply the elimination lemma for function types, LRᵥ-fun-elim-step, to V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′, so V and V′ are related lambda expressions:

ƛ N ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ ƛ N′

Thanks to the definition of ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ, we therefore know that

N [ W ] ⊑ᴸᴿₜ N′ [ W′ ]

Of course, via β reduction

(ƛ N) · W —→ N [ W ] (ƛ N′) · W′ —→ N′ [ W′ ]

so we can apply anti-reduction to conclude that

(ƛ N) · W ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (ƛ N′) · W′

Now here’s the proof in Agda.

compatible-app : ∀{Γ}{A A′ B B′}{c : A  A′}{d : B  B′}{L L′ M M′}
    Γ  L ⊑ᴸᴿ L′  (A  B , A′  B′ , fun⊑ c d)
    Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  (A , A′ , c)
    Γ  L · M ⊑ᴸᴿ L′ · M′  (B , B′ , d)
compatible-app {Γ}{A}{A′}{B}{B′}{c}{d}{L}{L′}{M}{M′} ⊨L⊑L′ ⊨M⊑M′ =
  γ γ′  ⊢ℰLM⊑LM′) , λ γ γ′  ⊢ℰLM⊑LM′
 ⊢ℰLM⊑LM′ : ∀{dir}{γ}{γ′}  (Γ  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′)
                             ⊢ᵒ dir   γ  (L · M) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ  γ′  (L′ · M′)  d
 ⊢ℰLM⊑LM′ {dir}{γ}{γ′} = ⊢ᵒ-intro λ n 𝒫n 
  LRₜ-bind{c = d}{d = fun⊑ c d}
               {F = ` (□· ( γ  M))}{F′ = ` (□· ( γ′  M′))}
  (⊢ᵒ-elim ((proj dir L L′ ⊨L⊑L′) γ γ′) n 𝒫n)
  λ j V V′ j≤n L→V v L′→V′ v′ 𝒱VV′j 
  LRₜ-bind{c = d}{d = c}{F = ` (v ·□)}{F′ = ` (v′ ·□)}
   (⊢ᵒ-elim ((proj dir M M′ ⊨M⊑M′) γ γ′) j
   (down (Πᵒ (Γ  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′)) n 𝒫n j j≤n))
   λ i W W′ i≤j M→W w M′→W′ w′ 𝒱WW′i 
     Goal{v = v}{v′}{w = w}{w′} i≤j 𝒱VV′j 𝒱WW′i
   Goal : ∀{V}{V′}{v : Value V}{v′ : Value V′}
           {W}{W′}{w : Value W}{w′ : Value W′}{i}{j}
      i  j
      # (dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  fun⊑ c d) j
      # (dir  W ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′  c) i
      # (dir  ((` (v ·□))  W ) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ ((` (v′ ·□))  W′ )  d) i
   Goal {V} {V′} {v} {v′} {W} {W′} {w}{w′}{zero} {j} i≤j 𝒱VV′j 𝒱WW′i =
     tz (dir  (value v · W) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (value v′ · W′)  d)
   Goal {V} {V′} {v} {v′} {W} {W′} {w}{w′}{suc i} {suc j}
       (s≤s i≤j) 𝒱VV′sj 𝒱WW′si
       with LRᵥ-fun-elim-step{A}{B}{A′}{B′}{c}{d}{V}{V′}{dir}{j}{i} 𝒱VV′sj i≤j
   ... | N , N′ , refl , refl , body =
       let 𝒱WW′i = down (dir  W ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ W′  c)(suc i)𝒱WW′si i (n≤1+n i) in
       let ℰNWNW′i = body{W}{W′} 𝒱WW′i in
       anti-reduction{c = d}{i = i}{dir = dir} ℰNWNW′i (β w) (β w′)

We have four more compatibility lemmas to prove, regarding injections and projections on the left and right-hand side.

For an injection on the left, we apply the Bind Lemma, so it remains to prove that

V ⟨ G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿ V′

for some values V and V′ where

M —↠ V, M′ —↠ V′, V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′

We apply LRᵥ-inject-L-intro to obtain

V ⟨ G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′

and then conclude via LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step.

compatible-inj-L : ∀{Γ}{G A′}{c : gnd⇒ty G  A′}{M M′}
    Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  (gnd⇒ty G , A′ , c)
    Γ  M  G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  ( , A′ , unk⊑{G}{A′} c)
compatible-inj-L{Γ}{G}{A′}{c}{M}{M′} ⊨M⊑M′ =
   γ γ′  ℰMGM′) ,  γ γ′  ℰMGM′)
  ℰMGM′ :  {γ}{γ′}{dir}
    (Γ  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′) ⊢ᵒ (dir  ( γ  M  G !⟩) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ ( γ′  M′)  unk⊑ c)
  ℰMGM′{γ}{γ′}{dir} = ⊢ᵒ-intro λ n 𝒫n 
   LRₜ-bind{c = unk⊑ c}{d = c}{F = ` (□⟨ G !⟩)}{F′ = }
              { γ  M}{ γ′  M′}{n}{dir}
   (⊢ᵒ-elim ((proj dir M M′ ⊨M⊑M′) γ γ′) n 𝒫n)
   λ j V V′ j≤n M→V v M′→V′ v′ 𝒱VV′j 
   LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step{}{A′}{unk⊑ c}{V  G !⟩}{V′}{dir}{j}
   (LRᵥ-inject-L-intro{G}{A′}{c}{V}{V′}{dir}{j} 𝒱VV′j)

For an injection on the right, the proof is similar but uses the LRᵥ-inject-R-intro lemma.

compatible-inj-R : ∀{Γ}{G}{c :   gnd⇒ty G }{M M′}
    Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  ( , gnd⇒ty G , c)
    Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  G !⟩  ( ,  , unk⊑unk)
compatible-inj-R{Γ}{G}{c}{M}{M′} ⊨M⊑M′
    with unk⊑gnd-inv c
... | d , refl =  γ γ′  ℰMM′G) , λ γ γ′  ℰMM′G
  ℰMM′G : ∀{γ}{γ′}{dir}
     (Γ  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′) ⊢ᵒ dir  ( γ  M) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ ( γ′  M′  G !⟩)  unk⊑unk
  ℰMM′G {γ}{γ′}{dir} = ⊢ᵒ-intro λ n 𝒫n 
   LRₜ-bind{c = unk⊑unk}{d = unk⊑ d}{F = }{F′ = ` (□⟨ G !⟩)}
              { γ  M}{ γ′  M′}{n}{dir}
   (⊢ᵒ-elim ((proj dir M M′ ⊨M⊑M′) γ γ′) n 𝒫n)
   λ j V V′ j≤n M→V v M′→V′ v′ 𝒱VV′j 
   LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step{}{}{unk⊑unk}{V}{V′  G !⟩}{dir}{j}
   (LRᵥ-inject-R-intro{G}{unk⊑ d}{V}{V′}{j} 𝒱VV′j )

For projection on the left, we again start with an application of the Bind Lemma. So we need to show that

V ⟨ H ?⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′

for some values V and V′ where

M —↠ V, M′ —↠ V′, V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′

The proof is by case on the step index j. The case for zero is trivially true because the logical relation is always true at zero. For the case suc j, we need to prove

#(V ⟨ H ?⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′) (suc j)

We proceed by cases on the two directions and .

For the case, we use lemma LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≼ with #(V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′) (suc j) to obtain

V ≡ V₁ ⟨ H !⟩
#(V₁ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′) j

We use LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step to obtain

#(V₁ ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′) j

and then because

V₁ ⟨ H !⟩ ⟨ H ?⟩ —→ V₁

The anti-reduction-≼-L-one lemma allows us to conclude that

#(V₁ ⟨ H !⟩ ⟨ H ?⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′) (suc j)

For the case, we use lemma LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≽ with #(V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′) (suc j) to obtain

V ≡ V₁ ⟨ H !⟩
#(V₁ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′) (suc j)

(Recall that in the definition of ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ for unk⊑ and , we chose to relate the underlying value now, i.e., at suc j.) By definition, to prove #(V₁⟨ H !⟩⟨ H ?⟩ ⊑ₜ V′) (suc j), it suffices to show that the left-hand side reduces to a related value at suc j (because the right-hand side is a value), which we have already proved.

compatible-proj-L : ∀{Γ}{H}{A′}{c : gnd⇒ty H  A′}{M}{M′}
    Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  ( , A′ ,  unk⊑ c)
    Γ  M  H ?⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  (gnd⇒ty H , A′ , c)
compatible-proj-L {Γ}{H}{A′}{c}{M}{M′} ⊨M⊑M′ =
   γ γ′  ℰMHM′) , λ γ γ′  ℰMHM′
  ℰMHM′ : ∀{γ}{γ′}{dir}  (Γ  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′)
       ⊢ᵒ dir  ( γ  M  H ?⟩) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ ( γ′  M′)  c
  ℰMHM′ {γ}{γ′}{dir} = ⊢ᵒ-intro λ n 𝒫n 
   LRₜ-bind{c = c}{d = unk⊑ c}{F = ` (□⟨ H ?⟩)}{F′ = }
              { γ  M}{ γ′  M′}{n}{dir}
   (⊢ᵒ-elim ((proj dir M M′ ⊨M⊑M′) γ γ′) n 𝒫n)
   λ j V V′ j≤n M→V v M′→V′ v′ 𝒱VV′j  Goal{j}{V}{V′}{dir} 𝒱VV′j 
   Goal : ∀{j}{V}{V′}{dir}
        #(dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  unk⊑ c) j
        #(dir  (V  H ?⟩) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′  c) j
   Goal {zero} {V} {V′}{dir} 𝒱VV′j =
       tz (dir  (V  H ?⟩) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′  c)
   Goal {suc j} {V} {V′}{} 𝒱VV′sj
       with LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≼{V}{V′}{j}{H}{A′}{c} 𝒱VV′sj
   ... | V₁ , refl , v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′j =
       let V₁HH→V₁ = collapse{H}{V = V₁} v₁ refl in
       let ℰV₁V′j = LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step{gnd⇒ty H}{A′}{c}{V₁}{V′}{}{j} 𝒱V₁V′j in
       anti-reduction-≼-L-one ℰV₁V′j V₁HH→V₁
   Goal {suc j} {V} {V′}{} 𝒱VV′sj
       with LRᵥ-dyn-any-elim-≽{V}{V′}{j}{H}{A′}{c} 𝒱VV′sj
   ... | V₁ , refl , v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′sj =
       let V₁HH→V₁ = collapse{H}{V = V₁} v₁ refl in
       inj₂ (inj₂ (v′ , V₁ , unit V₁HH→V₁ , v₁ , 𝒱V₁V′sj))

The last compatibility lemma is for projection on the right. As usual we start with the Bind Lemma, so our goal is to prove that

V ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′ ⟨ H ?⟩

for some values V and V′ where

M —↠ V, M′ —↠ V′, V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′

The proof is by cases on the step index j. The case for zero is trivially true because the logical relation is always true at zero. In the case for suc j, we need to prove

#(V ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′ ⟨ H ?⟩) (suc j)

Note that V and V′ are both of type , so by definition #(V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′) (suc j) gives us

V ≡ V₁ ⟨ G !⟩
V′ ≡ V₁′ ⟨ G !⟩
#(V₁ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V₁′) j

We proceed by cases on whether or not G ≡ H.

Suppose G ≢ H. Then we have

V′₁ ⟨ G !⟩⟨ H ?⟩ —→ blame

We proceed by cases on the direction. For the direction we can immediately conclude by the definition of ⊑ᴸᴿₜ because the right-hand side reduces to blame.

#(V₁ ⟨ G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′₁ ⟨ G !⟩⟨ H ?⟩) (suc j)

For the direction, we apply anti-reduction-≽-R-one, so it suffices to show

V₁ ⟨ G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿₜ blame

which we obtain by LRₜ-blame-step.

Next suppose G ≡ H. Then we have

V′₁ ⟨ G !⟩⟨ H ?⟩ —→ V′₁

For the direction, since we have a value on the left-hand side, we need the right-hand side to reduce to a related value. So it remains to show that

#(V₁⟨ G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′₁) (suc j)

which we have from #(V₁ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V₁′) j and the definition of ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ for unk⊑ and . (Recall that we choose to use the later operator in that case of ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ.)

For the direction, we apply anti-reduction-≽-R-one, so it remains to prove that

#(V₁⟨ G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿₜ V′₁) j

Next we apply LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step, so our goal reduces to

#(V₁⟨ G !⟩ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′₁) j

which we prove by LRᵥ-inject-L-intro-≽ using #(V₁ ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V₁′) j.

compatible-proj-R : ∀{Γ}{H}{c :   gnd⇒ty H}{M}{M′}
    Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  ( ,  , unk⊑unk)
    Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  H ?⟩  ( , gnd⇒ty H , c)
compatible-proj-R {Γ}{H}{c}{M}{M′} ⊨M⊑M′
    with unk⊑gnd-inv c
... | d , refl =  γ γ′  ℰMM′H) , λ γ γ′  ℰMM′H
    ℰMM′H : ∀{γ}{γ′}{dir}  (Γ  dir  γ ⊑ᴸᴿ γ′)
             ⊢ᵒ dir  ( γ  M) ⊑ᴸᴿₜ ( γ′  M′  H ?⟩)  unk⊑ d
    ℰMM′H {γ}{γ′}{dir} = ⊢ᵒ-intro λ n 𝒫n 
     LRₜ-bind{c = c}{d = unk⊑unk}{F = }{F′ = ` □⟨ H ?⟩}
                { γ  M}{ γ′  M′}{n}{dir}
     (⊢ᵒ-elim ((proj dir M M′ ⊨M⊑M′) γ γ′) n 𝒫n)
     λ j V V′ j≤n M→V v M′→V′ v′ 𝒱VV′j 
     Goal {j}{V}{V′}{dir} 𝒱VV′j 
     Goal : ∀{j}{V}{V′}{dir}
         # (dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿᵥ V′  unk⊑unk) j
         # (dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (V′  H ?⟩)  unk⊑ d) j
     Goal {zero} {V} {V′}{dir} 𝒱VV′j =
         tz (dir  V ⊑ᴸᴿₜ (V′  H ?⟩)  unk⊑ d)
     Goal {suc j} {V₁  G !⟩} {V′₁  H₂ !⟩}{dir} 𝒱VV′sj
         with G ≡ᵍ H₂ | 𝒱VV′sj
     ... | no neq | ()
     ... | yes refl | v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′₁j
         with G ≡ᵍ G
     ... | no neq = ⊥-elim (neq refl)
     ... | yes refl
         with G ≡ᵍ H
         {-------- Case G ≢ H ---------}
     ... | no neq
         with dir
         {-------- Subcase ≼ ---------}
     ... |  = inj₂ (inj₁ (unit (collide v′ neq refl)))
         {-------- Subcase ≽ ---------}
     ... |  = anti-reduction-≽-R-one (LRₜ-blame-step{}{gnd⇒ty H}{unk⊑ d}{})
                                      (collide v′ neq refl)
     Goal {suc j} {V₁  G !⟩} {V′₁  H₂ !⟩}{dir} 𝒱VV′sj
         | yes refl | v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′₁j | yes refl
         {-------- Case G ≡ H ---------}
         | yes refl 
         with dir
         {-------- Subcase ≼ ---------}
     ... | 
         with G ≡ᵍ G
     ... | no neq = ⊥-elim (neq refl)
     ... | yes refl 
         with gnd-prec-unique d Refl⊑
     ... | refl =
           let V₁G⊑V′₁sj = v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′₁j in
           inj₂ (inj₂ (v₁  G  ,
                       (V′₁ , unit (collapse v′ refl) , v′ , V₁G⊑V′₁sj)))
     Goal {suc j} {V₁  G !⟩} {V′₁  H₂ !⟩}{dir} 𝒱VV′sj
         | yes refl | v₁ , v′ , 𝒱V₁V′₁j | yes refl
         | yes refl 
         {-------- Subcase ≽ ---------}
         with gnd-prec-unique d Refl⊑
     ... | refl =
         let 𝒱VGV′j = LRᵥ-inject-L-intro-≽ {G}{gnd⇒ty G}{d} 𝒱V₁V′₁j in
         let ℰVGV′j = LRᵥ⇒LRₜ-step{V = V₁  G !⟩}{V′₁}{} 𝒱VGV′j in
         anti-reduction-≽-R-one ℰVGV′j (collapse v′ refl)

Proof of the Fundamental Lemma

With the compatibility lemmas finished, the difficulty is behind us. We prove the Fundamental Lemma by induction on term precision, using the appropriate compatibility lemma for each case.

fundamental :  {Γ}{A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}  (M M′ : Term)
   Γ  M  M′  A⊑A′
   Γ  M ⊑ᴸᴿ M′  (A , A′ , A⊑A′)
fundamental {Γ} {A} {A′} {A⊑A′} .(` _) .(` _) (⊑-var ∋x) =
   compatibility-var ∋x
fundamental {Γ} {_} {_} {base⊑} ($ c) ($ c) ⊑-lit =
fundamental {Γ} {A} {A′} {A⊑A′} (L · M) (L′ · M′) (⊑-app ⊢L⊑L′ ⊢M⊑M′) =
    compatible-app{L = L}{L′}{M}{M′} (fundamental L L′ ⊢L⊑L′)
                                     (fundamental M M′ ⊢M⊑M′)
fundamental {Γ} {.(_  _)} {.(_  _)} {.(fun⊑ _ _)} (ƛ N)(ƛ N′) (⊑-lam ⊢N⊑N′) =
    compatible-lambda{N = N}{N′} (fundamental N N′ ⊢N⊑N′)
fundamental {Γ} {} {A′} {unk⊑ c} (M  G !⟩) M′ (⊑-inj-L ⊢M⊑M′) =
    compatible-inj-L{G =  G}{M = M}{M′} (fundamental M M′ ⊢M⊑M′)
fundamental {Γ} {} {} {.unk⊑unk} M (M′  G !⟩) (⊑-inj-R ⊢M⊑M′) =
    compatible-inj-R{Γ}{G = G}{M = M}{M′} (fundamental M M′ ⊢M⊑M′)
fundamental {Γ} {_} {A′} {A⊑A′} (M  H ?⟩) M′ (⊑-proj-L ⊢M⊑M′) =
    compatible-proj-L{Γ}{H}{A′}{M = M}{M′} (fundamental M M′ ⊢M⊑M′)
fundamental {Γ} {A} {.(gnd⇒ty _)} {A⊑A′} M (M′  H′ ?⟩) (⊑-proj-R ⊢M⊑M′) =
    compatible-proj-R{M = M}{M′} (fundamental M M′ ⊢M⊑M′)
fundamental {Γ} {A} {.A} {.Refl⊑} M .blame (⊑-blame ⊢M∶A) =
   compatible-blame ⊢M∶A

Proof of the Gradual Guarantee

The gradual guarantee is proved by putting together the fundamental lemma with the LR⇒GG lemma.

gradual-guarantee :  {A}{A′}{A⊑A′ : A  A′}  (M M′ : Term)
    []  M  M′  A⊑A′
    (M′   M )
   × (M′   M )
   × (M   M′   M′ —↠ blame)
   × (M   M′ ⇑⊎blame)
   × (M —↠ blame  M′ —↠ blame)
gradual-guarantee {A}{A′}{A⊑A′} M M′ M⊑M′ =
  let (⊨≼M⊑ᴸᴿM′ , ⊨≽M⊑ᴸᴿM′) = fundamental M M′ M⊑M′ in
  LR⇒GG (⊨≼M⊑ᴸᴿM′ id id ,ᵒ ⊨≽M⊑ᴸᴿM′ id id)

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