Sunday, August 11, 2024

Binary Search Trees, Correctly!

This is the seventh blog post in a series about developing correct implementations of basic data structures and algorithms using the Deduce language and proof checker.

This post continues on the theme of binary trees, that is, trees in which each node has at most two children. The focus of this post is to implement the Search interface, described next, using binary trees.

The Search Interface

The Search interface includes operations to (1) create an empty data structure, (2) search for a value based on its associated key, and (3) insert a new key-value association.

The Search interface can also be implemented in a simple but less efficient way, using a function to map keys to values. With this approach, the operation to search for a value is just function call. The file defines the empty_map operation, which returns a function that maps every input to none.

assert @empty_map<Nat,Nat>(5) = none

The file also defined the update(f, k, v) operation, which returns a function that associates the key k with v but otherwise behaves like the given function f. Here is an example use of update.

define m2 = update(@empty_map<Nat,Nat>, 4, just(99))
assert m2(4) = just(99)
assert m2(5) = none

We will use this function implementation of the Search interface to specify the correctness of the binary tree implementation of Search.

We will store the keys and their values in a binary tree and implement BST_search and BST_insert operations. These operations are efficient (logarithmic time) when the binary tree is balanced, but we will save how to balance trees for a later blog post.

The main idea of a binary search tree comes from the notion of binary search on a sequence, that is, keep the sequennce in sorted-order and when searching for a key, start in the middle and go left by half of the subsequence if the key you’re looking for is less than the one at the current position; go right by half of the subsequence if the key is greater than the one at the current position. Of course, if they are equal, then you’ve found what you’re looking for. Thus, binary search is just like looking up the definition of a word in a dictionary. The word is your key and the dictionary is sorted alphabetically. You can start in the middle and compare your word to those on the current page, then flip to the left or right depending on whether your word is lower or higher in the alphabet.

The binary search tree adapts the idea of binary search from a sequence to a tree. Each node in the tree stores a key and its value. The left subtree of the node contain keys that are less than the node and the right subtree contain keys that are greater than the node. Thus, when searching for a key, one can compare it to the current node and then either go left or right depending on whether the key is less-than or greater-than the current node.

Consider the following diagram of a binary search tree. For simplicity, we will use numbers for both the keys and the values. In this diagram the key is listed before the colon and the value is after the colon. For example, this tree contains

  • key 10 associated with value 32,
  • key 13 associated with value 63,
  • etc.
Diagram of a Binary Search Tree

The following code builds this binary search tree using the Tree union type defined in the Binary Tree blog post and the Pair type from the file.

define mt = @EmptyTree<Pair<Nat,Nat>>
define BST_1 = TreeNode(mt, pair(1, 53), mt)
define BST_9 = TreeNode(mt, pair(9, 42), mt)
define BST_6 = TreeNode(BST_1, pair(6, 85), BST_9)
define BST_11 = TreeNode(mt, pair(11, 99), mt)
define BST_13 = TreeNode(BST_11, pair(13, 69), mt)
define BST_19 = TreeNode(mt, pair(19, 74), mt)
define BST_14 = TreeNode(BST_13, pair(14, 27), BST_19)
define BST_10 = TreeNode(BST_6, pair(10, 32), BST_14)

There are three operations in the binary search tree interface and here are their specifications.

  • The EmptyTree constructor from the Tree union type, which builds a binary search tree that does not contain any key-value associations.

  • BST_search : fn Tree<Pair<Nat,Nat>> -> (fn Nat -> Option<Nat>)

    The operation BST_search(T) returns a function that maps each key to its associated value.

  • BST_insert : fn Tree<Pair<Nat,Nat>>, Nat, Nat -> Tree<Pair<Nat,Nat>>

    The operation BST_insert(T, k, v) produces a new tree that associates value v with key k and for all other keys, associates keys with the values according to tree T. In other words, BST_insert(T, k, v) = update(BST_search(T), k, v).

Write the BST_search and BST_insert functions

The BST_search function is recursive over the Tree parameter. If the tree is empty, the result is none. Otherwise, we compare the key k with the key in the current node x. If they are equal, return the value in the current node; if k is less-than, recursively search the left subtree; if k is greater-than, recursively search the right subtree.

The BST_insert function follows a similar control structure: recursive over the Tree parameter followed by an if-then-else based on the key k and the key of the current node. However, BST_insert returns a new tree that contains the specified key and value. When the key k is already in the tree, BST_insert overrides the current value with the new value, as implied by the specification above.

function BST_insert(Tree<Pair<Nat,Nat>>, Nat, Nat) -> Tree<Pair<Nat,Nat>> {
  BST_insert(EmptyTree, k, v) = TreeNode(EmptyTree, pair(k, v), EmptyTree)
  BST_insert(TreeNode(L, x, R), k, v) =
    if k = first(x) then
      TreeNode(L, pair(k, v), R)
    else if k < first(x) then
      TreeNode(BST_insert(L, k, v), x, R)
      TreeNode(L, x, BST_insert(R, k, v))


We test the correctness of the EmptyTree, BST_search, and BST_insert operations by making sure they behave according to their specification. Starting with EmptyTree, the result of BST_search with any key should be none.

assert BST_search(EmptyTree)(5) = none

After inserting key 10 with value 32, the result of BST_search on 10 should be 32. For other keys, such as 5, the result should be the same as for EmptyTree.

define BST_a = BST_insert(EmptyTree, 10, 32)
assert BST_search(BST_a)(10) = just(32)
assert BST_search(BST_a)(5) = none

The story is similar for inserting key 6 with value 85.

define BST_b = BST_insert(BST_a, 6, 85)
assert BST_search(BST_b)(6) = just(85)
assert BST_search(BST_b)(10) = just(32)
assert BST_search(BST_b)(5) = none

If we insert with the same key 6 but a different value 59, the result of BST_search for 6 should be the new value 59. For other keys, the result of BST_search remains the same.

define BST_c = BST_insert(BST_b, 6, 59)
assert BST_search(BST_c)(6) = just(59)
assert BST_search(BST_c)(10) = just(32)
assert BST_search(BST_c)(5) = none


Starting with EmptyTree, we prove that applying BST_search produces an empty map.

theorem BST_search_EmptyTree: 
  BST_search(EmptyTree) = λk{none}
  arbitrary k:Nat
  conclude BST_search(EmptyTree)(k) = none
      by definition BST_search

The main correctness theorem is to show that BST_insert behaves the same as update. That is to say, applying BST_insert to a tree followed by BST_search is the same as first applying BST_search and then applying update.

theorem BST_search_insert_udpate: all T:Tree<Pair<Nat,Nat>>. all k:Nat, v:Nat.
  BST_search(BST_insert(T, k, v)) = update(BST_search(T), k, just(v))

The proof is by induction on the tree. For the case T = EmptyTree, we start by using extensionality to apply both sides of the equation to an arbitrary number i. We then expand BST_insert(EmptyTree, k, v).

    // <<BST_search_insert_empty_ext>> =
    arbitrary k:Nat, v:Nat
    arbitrary i:Nat
    suffices BST_search(TreeNode(EmptyTree, pair(k, v), EmptyTree))(i)
           = update(BST_search(EmptyTree), k, just(v))(i)   with definition BST_insert

Looking at the definition of BST_search, the left-hand side will either be none or just(v) depending on whether i is less-than, equal to, or greater than k. So we proceed with case analysis using the trichotomy theorem from

    // <<BST_search_insert_empty_tri>> =
    cases trichotomy[i][k]
    case i_less_k: i < k {
    case i_eq_k: i = k {
    case i_greater_k: k < i {

Indeed, when i is less than k, both the left-hand side and the right-hand side are equal to none.

    // <<BST_search_insert_empty_less>> =
    have not_i_eq_k: not (i = k)   by apply less_not_equal to i_less_k
        BST_search(TreeNode(EmptyTree, pair(k, v), EmptyTree))(i)
         = @none<Nat>
            by definition {BST_search, BST_search, first, second}
               and rewrite not_i_eq_k | i_less_k
     ... = update(BST_search(EmptyTree), k, just(v))(i)
            by definition {BST_search, update} and rewrite not_i_eq_k 

When i is equal to k, both sides are equal to just(v).

    // <<BST_search_insert_empty_equal>> =
        BST_search(TreeNode(EmptyTree, pair(k, v), EmptyTree))(i)
         = just(v)
            by definition {BST_search, first, second} and rewrite i_eq_k
     ... = update(BST_search(EmptyTree), k, just(v))(i)
            by definition {BST_search, update} and rewrite i_eq_k

When i is greater than k, both side are equal to none.

    // <<BST_search_insert_empty_greater>> =
    have not_k_eq_i: not (k = i)  by apply less_not_equal to i_greater_k
    have not_i_eq_k: not (i = k)  by suppose ik apply not_k_eq_i to symmetric ik
    have not_i_less_k: not (i < k) 
        by apply less_implies_not_greater to i_greater_k
        BST_search(TreeNode(EmptyTree, pair(k, v), EmptyTree))(i)
         = @none<Nat>
            by definition {BST_search, BST_search, first, second}
               and rewrite not_i_eq_k | not_i_less_k
     ... = update(BST_search(EmptyTree), k, just(v))(i)
            by definition {BST_search, update}
               and rewrite not_i_eq_k 

Next we consider the case where T = TreeNode(L, x, R). Again we begin with extensionality.

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_ext>> =
    arbitrary k:Nat, v:Nat
    arbitrary i:Nat
    suffices BST_search(BST_insert(TreeNode(L, x, R), k, v))(i) 
           = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(i)   by .

Looking at BST_insert(TreeNode(L, x, R), k, v), its result will depend on whether k is less than, equal to, or greater than first(x). So we proceed by cases, using the trichotomy theorem from

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_tri>> =
    cases trichotomy[k][first(x)]
    case k_less_fx: k < first(x) {
    case k_eq_fx: k = first(x) {
    case k_greater_fx: first(x) < k {

For the case k < first(x), we have

  BST_insert(TreeNode(L, x, R), k, v) 
= BST_search(TreeNode(BST_insert(L, k, v), x, R))(i)

so it suffices to prove the following.

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_k_less_fx_suffices>> =
    have not_k_eq_fx: not (k = first(x))   by apply less_not_equal to k_less_fx
    suffices BST_search(TreeNode(BST_insert(L, k, v), x, R))(i)
           = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(i)
                with definition {BST_insert} and rewrite not_k_eq_fx | k_less_fx

The result of BST_search(TreeNode(BST_insert(L, k, v), x, R))(i) depends on the relationship between i and first(x), so we again proceed by cases using the trichotomy theorem. There sure are a lot of cases in this proof!

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_k_less_fx_tri>> =
    cases trichotomy[i][first(x)]
    case i_less_fx: i < first(x) {
    case i_eq_fx: i = first(x) {
    case fx_less_i: first(x) < i {

For the case i < first(x), we proceed by the following several steps of equational reasoning, shown below. The key step is applying the induction hypothesis for the left subtree L.

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_k_less_fx_i_less_fx>> =
    have not_i_eq_fx: not (i = first(x)) by apply less_not_equal to i_less_fx
          BST_search(TreeNode(BST_insert(L, k, v), x, R))(i) 
        = BST_search(BST_insert(L, k, v))(i)
            by definition{BST_search} and rewrite not_i_eq_fx | i_less_fx
    ... = update(BST_search(L), k, just(v))(i)
            by rewrite IH_L[k,v]
    ... = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(i) by
            switch i = k {
              case true suppose ik_true {
                definition {BST_search,update} and rewrite ik_true
              case false suppose ik_false {
                definition {BST_search,update}
                and rewrite ik_false | not_i_eq_fx | i_less_fx

For the case i = first(x), both sides simplify to just(second(x)).

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_k_less_fx_i_eq_fx>> =
    have not_fx_eq_k: not (first(x) = k)
      by suppose fx_eq_k
         conclude false by rewrite not_k_eq_fx in symmetric fx_eq_k 
          BST_search(TreeNode(BST_insert(L, k, v), x, R))(i) 
        = just(second(x))
            by definition {BST_search} and rewrite i_eq_fx
    ... = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(i)
            by definition {BST_search,update} and rewrite i_eq_fx | not_fx_eq_k

For the case first(x) < i, both side are equal to BST_search(R)(i). because we know that i ≠ k.

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_k_less_fx_i_greater_fx>> =
    have not_i_eq_fx: not (i = first(x))
      by suppose i_eq_fx
         apply (apply less_not_equal to fx_less_i) to symmetric i_eq_fx
    have not_i_less_fx: not (i < first(x))
      by apply less_implies_not_greater to fx_less_i
    have not_i_eq_k: not (i = k)
      by suppose i_eq_k
         have fx_less_k: first(x) < k   by rewrite i_eq_k in fx_less_i
         have not_k_less_fx: not (k < first(x)) 
             by apply less_implies_not_greater to fx_less_k
         conclude false by apply not_k_less_fx to rewrite k_less_fx
          BST_search(TreeNode(BST_insert(L, k, v), x, R))(i) 
        = BST_search(R)(i)
            by definition BST_search and rewrite not_i_eq_fx | not_i_less_fx
    ... = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(i)
            by definition {BST_search, update}
               and rewrite not_i_eq_k | not_i_eq_fx | not_i_less_fx

This completes the proof of the case for k < first(x).


Next consider the case for k = first(x). We have

  BST_insert(TreeNode(L, x, R), k, v) 
= TreeNode(L, pair(k, v), R)

so it suffices to prove the following

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_k_equal_fx_suffices>> =
    suffices BST_search(TreeNode(L, pair(k, v), R))(i) 
           = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(i)
                by definition BST_insert and rewrite k_eq_fx

Looking at the definition of BST_search, the result of BST_search(TreeNode(L, pair(k, v), R))(i) will depend on the relationship between i and k. So we proceed by cases, using the trichotomy theorem.

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_k_equal_fx_tri>> =
    cases trichotomy[i][k]
    case i_less_k: i < k {
    case i_eq_k: i = k {
    case k_less_i: k < i {

When i < k, both sides of the equation are equal to BST_search(L)(i).

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_k_equal_fx_i_less_k>> =
    have not_i_eq_k: not (i = k)   by apply less_not_equal to i_less_k
          BST_search(TreeNode(L, pair(k, v), R))(i) 
        = BST_search(L)(i)
              by definition {BST_search, first}
                 and rewrite not_i_eq_k | i_less_k
    ... = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(i)
              by definition {update,BST_search}
                 and rewrite symmetric k_eq_fx | not_i_eq_k | i_less_k

When i = k, both sides are equal to just(v).

    // <<BST_search_insert_node_k_equal_fx_i_eq_k>> =
    suffices BST_search(TreeNode(L, pair(k, v), R))(k)
            = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(k)
            with rewrite i_eq_k
      BST_search(TreeNode(L, pair(k, v), R))(k)
        = just(v)          by definition {BST_search, first, second}
    ... = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(k)
                           by definition {BST_search, update}

When i > k, both sides are equal to BST_search(R)(i).

    have not_i_eq_k: not (i = k) 
      by have nki: not (k = i) by apply less_not_equal to k_less_i
         suppose i_eq_k apply nki to symmetric i_eq_k
    have not_i_less_k: not (i < k) 
        by apply less_implies_not_greater to k_less_i
          BST_search(TreeNode(L, pair(k, v), R))(i) 
        = BST_search(R)(i)
            by definition {BST_search, first, second}
               and rewrite not_i_eq_k | not_i_less_k
    ... = update(BST_search(TreeNode(L, x, R)), k, just(v))(i)
            by definition {update, BST_search}
               and rewrite symmetric k_eq_fx | not_i_eq_k | not_i_less_k

This concludes the proof of the case for k = first(x).


The last case to prove is for k > first(x). We leave this as an exercise.

The following puts together the pieces of the proof for BST_search_insert_udpate.

theorem BST_search_insert_udpate: all T:Tree<Pair<Nat,Nat>>. all k:Nat, v:Nat.
  BST_search(BST_insert(T, k, v)) = update(BST_search(T), k, just(v))
  induction Tree<Pair<Nat,Nat>>
  case EmptyTree {
  case TreeNode(L, x, R) suppose IH_L, IH_R {

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