Friday, June 14, 2024

Sequential Search, Correctly

Sequential Search

This is the second blog post in a series about developing correct implementations of basic data structures and algorithms using the Deduce language and proof checker.

In this blog post we’ll study a classic and simple algorithm known as Sequential Search (aka. Linear Search). The basic idea of the algorithm is to look for the location of a particular item within a linked list, traversing the list front to back. Here is the specification of this search function.

Specification: The search(xs, y) function returns a natural number i such that i ≤ length(xs). If i < length(xs), then i is the index of the first occurence of y in the list xs. If i = length(xs), y is not in the list xs.

We follow the write-test-prove approach to develop a correct implementation of search. We then propose two exercises for the reader.

Write the search function

Before diving into the code for search, let us look again at the definition of the List type.

union List<T> {
  node(T, List<T>)

We say that List is a recursive union because one of its constructors has a parameter that is also of the List type (e.g. the second parameter of the node constructor).

In general, when defining a function with a parameter that is a recursive union, first consider making that function a recursive function that pattern-matches on that parameter.

For example, with search, we choose for the List<Nat> to be the first parameter so that we can pattern-match on it as follows.

function search(List<Nat>, Nat) -> Nat {
  search(empty, y) = ?
  search(node(x, xs'), y) = ?

Let us consider the case for the empty list. Looking at the specification of search, we need to return 0, the length of the empty list, because y is not in the empty list.

function search(List<Nat>, Nat) -> Nat {
  search(empty, y) = 0
  search(node(x, xs'), y) = ?

In the case for node(x, xs'), we can check whether x = y. If so, then we should return 0 because y is at index 0 of node(x, xs') and that is certainly the first occurence of y in node(x, xs').

function search(List<Nat>, Nat) -> Nat {
  search(empty, y) = 0
  search(node(x, xs'), y) =
    if x = y then

If x ≠ y, then we need to search the rest of the list xs' for y. We can make the recursive call search(xs', y), but then we need to decide how to adapt its result to produce a result that makes sense for node(x, xs'). The only way to reason about the result of a recursive call is to use the specification of the function. The specification of search splits into two cases on the result: (1) search(xs', y) < length(xs') and (2) length(xs) ≤ search(xs', y). In case (1), search(xs',y) is returning the index of the first y inside xs'. Because x ≠ y, that location will also be the first y inside node(x, xs'). However, we need to add one to the index to take into account that we’re adding a node to the front of the list. So for case (1), the result should be suc(search(xs', y)). In case (2), search(xs',y) did not find y in xs', so it is returning length(xs'). Because x ≠ y, we need to indicate that y is also not found in node(x, xs'), so we need to return length(node(x, xs')). Thus, we need to add one to the index, so the result should again be suc(search(xs', y)).

Here is the completed code for search.

Test the search function

Focusing on the specification of search, there are several things that we should test. First, we should test whether search always returns a number that is less-or-equal to the length of the list. We can use all_elements and interval to automate the testing over a bunch of values, some of which are in the list and some are not.

define list_1223 = node(1, node(2, node(2, node(3, empty))))

assert all_elements(interval(0, 5),
  λx{ search(list_1223, x) ≤ length(list_1223) })

Most importantly, we should test whether search finds the correct index of the elements in the list. To do that we can make use of nth to lookup the element at a given index.

assert all_elements(list_1223,
  λx{ nth(list_1223, 0)( search(list_1223, x) ) = x })

Next, we should test whether search finds the first occurence. We can do this by iterating over all the indexes and checking that what search returns is an index that is less-than or equal to the current index.

assert all_elements(interval(0, length(list_1223)),
   λi{ search(list_1223, nth(list_1223, 0)(i)) ≤ i })

Finally, we check that search fails gracefully when the value being searched for is not present in the list.

assert search(list_1223, 0) = length(list_1223)
assert search(list_1223, 4) = length(list_1223)

Prove search Correct

We break down the specification of search into four parts and prove four theorems.

Prove search is less-or-equal length

The first part of the specification of search says that the search(xs, y) function returns a natural number i such that i ≤ length(xs). Because search is recursive, we’re going to prove this by induction on its first parameter xs.

theorem search_length: all xs:List<Nat>. all y:Nat.
  search(xs, y) ≤ length(xs)
  induction List<Nat>
  case empty {
  case node(x, xs') 
    suppose IH: all y:Nat. search(xs',y) ≤ length(xs') 

In the case for xs = empty, Deduce tells us that we need to prove

    all y:Nat. search(empty,y) ≤ length(empty)

So we start with arbitrary y:Nat and then conclude using the definitions of search, length, and operator ≤.

  case empty {
    arbitrary y:Nat
    conclude search(empty,y) ≤ length(empty)
        by definition {search, length, operator ≤}.

In the case for xs = node(x, xs'), Deduce tells us that we need to prove

    all y:Nat. search(node(x,xs'),y) ≤ length(node(x,xs'))

So we start with arbitrary y:Nat and use the definitions of search and length.

  case node(x, xs') 
    suppose IH: all y:Nat. search(xs',y) ≤ length(xs') 
    arbitrary y:Nat
    definition {search, length}

The goal is transformed to the following, with the body of search expanded on the left of the and the body of length expanded on the right.

    if x = y then 0 else suc(search(xs',y)) ≤ suc(length(xs'))

In general, it is a good idea to let the structure of the code direct the structure of your proof. In this case, the code for search is a conditional on x = y, so in our proof we can switch on x = y as follows.

  case node(x, xs') 
    suppose IH: all y:Nat. search(xs',y) ≤ length(xs') 
    arbitrary y:Nat
    definition {search, length, operator ≤}
    switch x = y {
      case true {
      case false {

In the case for x = y, the left-hand side of the becomes 0, so we can conclude by the definition of operator ≤.

  case true {
    conclude 0 ≤ suc(length(xs'))  by definition operator ≤.

In the case for x ≠ y, the left-hand side of the becomes suc(search(xs',y)), so we have suc on both side of . Therefore we apply the definition of and it remains to prove the following.

    search(xs',y) ≤ length(xs')

We conclude the proof of the false case by using the induction hypothesis

  case false {
    definition operator ≤
    conclude search(xs',y) ≤ length(xs')
      by IH[y]

Putting all of the pieces together, we have a complete proof of search_length.

theorem search_length: all xs:List<Nat>. all y:Nat.
  search(xs, y) ≤ length(xs)
  induction List<Nat>
  case empty {
    arbitrary y:Nat
    conclude search(empty,y) ≤ length(empty)
        by definition {search, length, operator ≤}.
  case node(x, xs') 
    suppose IH: all y:Nat. search(xs',y) ≤ length(xs') 
    arbitrary y:Nat
    definition {search, length}
    switch x = y {
      case true {
        conclude 0 ≤ suc(length(xs'))  by definition operator ≤.
      case false {
        definition operator ≤
        conclude search(xs',y) ≤ length(xs')
          by IH[y]

Prove search(xs, y) finds an occurence of y

The specification of search(xs, y) says that if the result is less-than length(xs), then the result is the index of the first occurence of y in xs. First off, this means that search(xs, y) is indeed an index for y, which we can express using nth as follows.

nth(xs, 0)( search(xs, y) ) = y

So we can formulate the following theorem, which we’ll prove by induction on xs.

theorem search_present: all xs:List<Nat>. all y:Nat.
  if search(xs, y) < length(xs)
  then nth(xs, 0)( search(xs, y) ) = y
  induction List<Nat>
  case empty {
    arbitrary y:Nat
  case node(x, xs') suppose IH {
    arbitrary y:Nat

In the case for xs = empty, Deduce tells us that we need to prove

    (if search(empty,y) < length(empty) then nth(empty,0)(search(empty,y)) = y)

Proceeding in a goal-directed way, we suppose the premise but then realize that the premise is false. So we can conclude using the principle of explosion.

  case empty {
    arbitrary y:Nat
    suppose prem: search(empty,y) < length(empty)
    conclude false by definition {search, length, operator <, operator ≤} 
                      in prem

Moving on to the case for xs = node(x, xs'), we again suppose the premise.

  case node(x, xs') suppose IH {
    arbitrary y:Nat
    suppose sxxs_len: search(node(x,xs'),y) < length(node(x,xs'))

Deduce tells us that we need to prove

    nth(node(x,xs'),0)(search(node(x,xs'),y)) = y

We see search applied to a node argument, so we can expand its definition. (We could also expand nth but we postpone doing that for the sake of readability.)

    nth(node(x,xs'),0)((if x = y then 0 else suc(search(xs',y)))) = y

Similar to the proof of search_length, we now need to switch on x = y.

    definition {search}
    switch x = y {
      case true suppose xy_true {
      case false suppose xy_false {

In the case where x = y, Deduce tells us that we need to prove

    nth(node(x,xs'),0)(0) = y

We conclude using the definition of nth and the fact that x = y.

      case true suppose xy_true {
        conclude nth(node(x,xs'),0)(0) = y
          by definition nth rewrite xy_true.

In the case where x ≠ y, we need to prove

    nth(node(x,xs'),0)(suc(search(xs',y))) = y

Now if we apply the definitions of nth and pred, the goal becomes.

    nth(xs',0)(search(xs',y)) = y

This looks a lot like the conclusion of our induction hypothesis:

    IH: all y:Nat. (if search(xs',y) < length(xs') 
                    then nth(xs',0)(search(xs',y)) = y)

So we just need to prove the premise, that search(xs',y) < length(xs'). Thankfully, that can be proved from the premise search(node(x,xs'),y) < length(node(x,xs')).

  have sxs_len: search(xs',y) < length(xs')
    by enable {search, length, operator <, operator ≤}
       rewrite xy_false in sxxs_len

We conclude by applying the induction hypothesis.

  conclude nth(xs',0)(search(xs',y)) = y
    by apply IH[y] to sxs_len

Here is the the complete proof of search_present.

theorem search_present: all xs:List<Nat>. all y:Nat.
  if search(xs, y) < length(xs)
  then nth(xs, 0)( search(xs, y) ) = y
  induction List<Nat>
  case empty {
    arbitrary y:Nat
    suppose prem: search(empty,y) < length(empty)
    conclude false by definition {search, length, operator <, operator ≤} 
                      in prem
  case node(x, xs') suppose IH {
    arbitrary y:Nat
    suppose sxxs_len: search(node(x,xs'),y) < length(node(x,xs'))
    definition {search}
    switch x = y {
      case true suppose xy_true {
        conclude nth(node(x,xs'),0)(0) = y
          by definition nth rewrite xy_true.
      case false suppose xy_false {
        definition {nth, pred}
        have sxs_len: search(xs',y) < length(xs')
          by enable {search, length, operator <, operator ≤}
             rewrite xy_false in sxxs_len
        conclude nth(xs',0)(search(xs',y)) = y
          by apply IH[y] to sxs_len

Prove search(xs, y) finds the first occurence of y

Going back to the specification of search(xs, y), it says that if the result is less-than length(xs), then the result is the index of the first occurence of y in xs. To be the first means that the result is smaller than the index of any other occurence of y. We express that in the following theorem.

theorem search_first: all xs:List<Nat>. all y:Nat, i:Nat.
  if search(xs, y) < length(xs) and nth(xs, 0)(i) = y
  then search(xs, y) ≤ i

We proceed by induction on xs. We can handle the case for xs = empty in the same way as in search_present; the premise is false.

  induction List<Nat>
  case empty {
    arbitrary y:Nat, i:Nat
    suppose prem: search(empty,y) < length(empty) and nth(empty,0)(i) = y
    conclude false by definition {search, length, operator <, operator ≤} 
                      in prem

In the case for xs = node(x, xs'), we proceed in a goal-directed fashion with an arbitrary and suppose.

  case node(x, xs') suppose IH {
    arbitrary y:Nat, i:Nat
    suppose prem: search(node(x,xs'),y) < length(node(x,xs')) 
                  and nth(node(x,xs'),0)(i) = y,

Deduce response with

    search(node(x,xs'),y) ≤ i

We apply the definition of search and then switch on x = y.

  definition search
  switch x = y {
    case true {
    case false suppose xs_false {

In the case where x = y, the result of search is 0, so just need to prove that 0 ≤ i, which follows from the definition of .

  case true {
    conclude 0 ≤ i   by definition operator ≤.

In the case where x ≠ y, we need to prove

    suc(search(xs',y)) ≤ i

What do we now about i? The premise nth(node(x,xs'),0)(i) = y tells us that i ≠ 0. So we can switch on i and use the principle explosion to handle the case where i = 0.

  case 0 suppose i_z: i = 0 {
    conclude false
      by enable nth rewrite i_z | xy_false in prem

We are left with the case where i = suc(i'). Using the definition of , the goal becomes

    search(xs',y) ≤ i'

This looks like the conclusion of the induction hypothesis instantiated at i'.

    IH: all y:Nat, i:Nat. (if search(xs',y) < length(xs') and nth(xs',0)(i) = y then search(xs',y) ≤ i)

So we need to prove the two premises of the IH. They follow from the given prem:

    prem: search(node(x,xs'),y) < length(node(x,xs')) and nth(node(x,xs'),0)(i) = y,

In particular, the first premise of IH follows from the first conjunct of prem.

  have sxs_len: search(xs',y) < length(xs')
    by enable {search, length, operator <, operator ≤}
       rewrite xy_false in (conjunct 0 of prem)

The second premise of the IH follows from the second conjunct of prem.

  have nth_i_y: nth(xs',0)(i') = y
    by enable {nth, pred} rewrite i_si in (conjunct 1 of prem)

We conclude the case for i = suc(i') by applying the induction hypothesis.

  conclude search(xs',y) ≤ i'   by apply IH[y,i'] to sxs_len, nth_i_y

Here is the complete proof of search_first.

theorem search_first: all xs:List<Nat>. all y:Nat, i:Nat.
  if search(xs, y) < length(xs) and nth(xs, 0)(i) = y
  then search(xs, y) ≤ i
  induction List<Nat>
  case empty {
    arbitrary y:Nat, i:Nat
    suppose prem: search(empty,y) < length(empty) and nth(empty,0)(i) = y
    conclude false by definition {search, length, operator <, operator ≤} 
                      in prem
  case node(x, xs') suppose IH {
    arbitrary y:Nat, i:Nat
    suppose prem: search(node(x,xs'),y) < length(node(x,xs')) 
                  and nth(node(x,xs'),0)(i) = y
    definition search
    switch x = y {
      case true {
        conclude 0 ≤ i   by definition operator ≤.
      case false suppose xy_false {
        switch i {
          case 0 suppose i_z: i = 0 {
            conclude false
              by enable nth rewrite i_z | xy_false in prem
          case suc(i') suppose i_si: i = suc(i') {
            definition operator ≤
            have sxs_len: search(xs',y) < length(xs')
              by enable {search, length, operator <, operator ≤}
                 rewrite xy_false in (conjunct 0 of prem)
            have nth_i_y: nth(xs',0)(i') = y
              by enable {nth, pred} rewrite i_si in (conjunct 1 of prem)
            conclude search(xs',y) ≤ i'   by apply IH[y,i'] to sxs_len, nth_i_y

Prove that search fails only when it should

The last sentence in the specification for search(xs, y) says that if i = length(xs), y is not in the list xs. How do we express that y is not in the list? In some sense, that is what search is for, but it would be vacuous to prove a theorem that says search returns length(xs) if search returns lengt(xs). Instead we need an alternative and intuitive way to express membership in a list.

One approach to expressing list membership that works well is to convert the list to a set and then use set membership. The file defines the Set type, operations on sets such as memberhsip, union, and intersection. The files also proves many theorems about these operations. The following set_of function converts a list into a set.

function set_of<T>(List<T>) -> Set<T> {
  set_of(empty) = ∅
  set_of(node(x, xs)) = single(x) ∪ set_of(xs)

We can now express our last correctness theorem for search as follows.

theorem search_absent: all xs:List<Nat>. all y:Nat, d:Nat.
  if search(xs, y) = length(xs)
  then not (y ∈ set_of(xs))

We proceed by induction on xs. In the case for xs = empty, we take the following goal-directed steps

  case empty {
    arbitrary y:Nat, d:Nat
    suppose _

and Deduce responds with

    (if y ∈ set_of(empty) then false)

which we prove using the empty_no_members theorem from

  conclude not (y ∈ set_of(empty))
      by definition {set_of} empty_no_members[Nat,y]

Turning to the case for xs = node(x, xs'), we take several goal-directed steps.

  case node(x, xs') suppose IH {
    arbitrary y:Nat, d:Nat
    suppose s_xxs_len_xxs: search(node(x,xs'),y) = length(node(x,xs'))
    definition set_of

We need to show that y is not in node(x, xs'), which amounts to the following.

    (if y ∈ single(x) ∪ set_of(xs') then false)

Towards proving a contradiction, we can assume y ∈ single(x) ∪ set_of(xs').

  suppose y_in_x_union_xs: y ∈ single(x) ∪ set_of(xs')

Now the main information we have to work with is the premise s_xxs_len_xxs above, concerning search(node(x,xs'), y). Thinking about the code for search, we know it will branch on whether x = y, so we better switch on that.

  switch x = y {
    case true suppose xy {
    case false suppose not_xy {

In the case where x = y, we have search(node(x,xs'),y) = 0 but length(node(x,xs')) is at least 1, so we have a contradition.

  case true suppose xy {
    have s_xxs_0: search(node(x,xs'),y) = 0
        by definition search  rewrite xy.
    have z_len_xxs: 0 = length(node(x,xs'))
        by rewrite s_xxs_0 in s_xxs_len_xxs
    conclude false  by definition length in z_len_xxs

In the case where x ≠ y, we can show that y ∈ set_of(xs') and then invoke the induction hypothesis to obtain the contradition. In patricular, the premise y_in_x_union_xs gives us the following.

  have ysx_or_y_xs: y ∈ single(x) or y ∈ set_of(xs')
      by apply member_union[Nat,y,single(x),set_of(xs')]
         to y_in_x_union_xs

But x ≠ y implies not (y ∈ single(x)).

  have not_ysx: not (y ∈ single(x))
    by suppose ysx
       rewrite xy_false in
       apply single_equal[Nat,x,y] to ysx

So it must be that y ∈ set_of(xs') (using or_not from

  have y_xs: y ∈ set_of(xs')
    by apply or_not[y ∈ single(x), y ∈ set_of(xs')] 
       to ysx_or_y_xs, not_ysx

To satisfy the premise of the induction hypothesis, we prove the following.

  have sxs_lxs: search(xs',y) = length(xs')
    by injective suc
       rewrite xy_false in definition {search,length} in

So we apply the induction hypothesis to get y ∉ set_of(xs'), which contradicts y ∈ set_of(xs).

  have y_not_xs: not (y ∈ set_of(xs'))
    by apply IH[y,d] to sxs_lxs
  conclude false  by apply y_not_xs to y_xs

Here is the complete proof of search_absent.

theorem search_absent: all xs:List<Nat>. all y:Nat, d:Nat.
  if search(xs, y) = length(xs)
  then not (y ∈ set_of(xs))
  induction List<Nat>
  case empty {
    arbitrary y:Nat, d:Nat
    suppose _
    conclude not (y ∈ set_of(empty))
        by definition {set_of} empty_no_members[Nat,y]
  case node(x, xs') suppose IH {
    arbitrary y:Nat, d:Nat
    suppose s_xxs_len_xxs: search(node(x,xs'),y) = length(node(x,xs'))
    definition set_of
    suppose y_in_x_union_xs: y ∈ single(x) ∪ set_of(xs')
    switch x = y {
      case true suppose xy {
        have s_xxs_0: search(node(x,xs'),y) = 0
            by definition search  rewrite xy.
        have z_len_xxs: 0 = length(node(x,xs'))
            by rewrite s_xxs_0 in s_xxs_len_xxs
        conclude false  by definition length in z_len_xxs
      case false suppose xy_false {
        have ysx_or_y_xs: y ∈ single(x) or y ∈ set_of(xs')
            by apply member_union[Nat,y,single(x),set_of(xs')]
               to y_in_x_union_xs
        have not_ysx: not (y ∈ single(x))
          by suppose ysx
             rewrite xy_false in
             apply single_equal[Nat,x,y] to ysx
        have y_xs: y ∈ set_of(xs')
          by apply or_not[y ∈ single(x), y ∈ set_of(xs')] 
             to ysx_or_y_xs, not_ysx
        have sxs_lxs: search(xs',y) = length(xs')
          by injective suc
             rewrite xy_false in definition {search,length} in
        have y_not_xs: not (y ∈ set_of(xs'))
          by apply IH[y,d] to sxs_lxs
        conclude false  by apply y_not_xs to y_xs

Exercise search_last

Apply the write-test-prove approach to develop a correct implementation of the search_last(xs, y) function, which is like search(xs, y) except that it finds the last occurence of y in xs instead of the first.

In particular, you need to

  • write a specification for search_last,
  • write the code for search_last,
  • test search_last on diverse inputs, and
  • prove that search_last is correct.
function search_last(List<Nat>, Nat) -> Nat {

Exercise search_if

The search_if(xs, P) function is a generalization of search(xs, y). Instead of searching for the first occurence of element y, the search_if function searches for the location of the first element that satisfied predicate P (i.e. an element y in xs such that P(y) is true). Apply the write-test-prove approach to develop a correct implementation of search_if.

In particular, you need to

  • write a specification for search_if,
  • write the code for search_if,
  • test search_if on diverse inputs, and
  • prove that search_if is correct.
function search_if<T>(List<T>, fn T->bool) -> Nat {


  1. Anonymous1:56 AM

    What specification language is this? Lean?

    1. The language is named Deduce.
