Thursday, June 08, 2023

Help! We're Failing to Prove Correctness of Closure Conversion using Denotational Semantics (Graph Models)

Recall that closure conversion lowers lexically-scoped functions into a flat-closure representation, which pairs a function pointer with a tuple of values for the function’s free variables. The crux of this pass is a transformation we call “delay” (D) because it postpones the point at which the function is applied to the above-mentioned tuple, from the point of definition of the function to the points of application. Let ⟦-⟧ₛ be the denotational semantics for the source language of “delay” and ⟦-⟧ₜ be the semantics for its target. (Both languages are variants of the untyped lambda calculus.) We tried to prove something like:

⟦ M ⟧ₛ ρ ≈ ⟦ D(M) ⟧ₜ ρ

where much of the difficulty was in finding an appropriate definition for the relation. In a denotational semantics based on the graph model, the semantics of a term is an infinite set of finite descriptions of the term’s behavior. So a straightforward way to define is

S ≈ S' iff     ∀ f. f ∈ S implies ∃f'. f' ∈ S' and f ~ f' (forward)
           and ∀ f'. f' ∈ S′ implies ∃f. f ∈ S and f ~ f' (backward).

with some suitable definition of equivalence ~ for finite descriptions.

Consider the following example. The first transformation changes the lambda abstraction to make explicit the creation of a tuple for the free variables. The second transformation, the above-mentioned “delay”, does two things, it (1) replaces the application of (λ fv ...) to ⟨ y , z ⟩ with the creation of another tuple that contains those two items and (2) replaces the application add(3) with the application add[0](add[1], 3).

let y = 4 in 
let z = 5 in 
let add = λ x. x + y + z in
let y = 4 in 
let z = 5 in 
let add = (λ fv. λ x. x + fv[0] + fv[1]) ⟨ y , z ⟩ in
===> "delay"
let y = 4 in 
let z = 5 in 
let add = ⟨(λ (fv, x). x + fv[0] + fv[1]) , ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟩ in
add[0](add[1], 3)

Focusing on the “delay” transformation of the lambda abstractions and the backward direction of the equivalence, we need to show that

∀f'. f' ∈ ⟦ ⟨(λ fv x. x + fv[0] + fv[1]) , ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟩ ⟧ₜ(y={4},z={5})
∃f. f ∈ ⟦ (λ fv. λ x. x + fv[0] + fv[1]) ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟧ₛ(y={4},z={5}) 
and f ~ f'


f' = ⟨ {⟨0,0⟩ ↦ 3 ↦ 3} , ⟨ 4 , 5 ⟩ ⟩

where {⟨0,0⟩ ↦ 3 ↦ 3} is one entry in the input-output table for the lambda abstraction:

{⟨0,0⟩ ↦ (3 ↦ 3)} ∈ ⟦ λ fv. λ x. x + fv[0] + fv[1] ⟧ₜ

This entry says that if the pair ⟨0,0⟩ is bound to fv, and 3 is bound to x, then the result is 3. (Note that there are many other elements of ⟦ λ fv. λ x. ... ⟧ₜ, such as {⟨4,5⟩ ↦ (3 ↦ 12)}, {⟨4,5⟩ ↦ (6 ↦ 15)}, and {⟨0,0⟩ ↦ (6 ↦ 6)}.)

Given this f', we need to find an element f of

⟦ (λ fv. λ x. x + fv[0] + fv[1]) ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟧ₛ(y={4},z={5}) 

such that f corresponds to f', i.e., f ~ f'. However, the elements of this partially-applied lambda all have y and z fixed at 4 and 5 respectively so this partially-applied lambda is the “plus nine” function:

{0 ↦ 9}, {1 ↦ 10}, {2 ↦ 11}, {3 ↦ 12}, {6 ↦ 15}, ...

So there is no f in it that corresponds to {⟨0,0⟩ ↦ (6 ↦ 6)}, (the “identity” function).

We have tried several approaches to solving this problem, but ran into road blocks with each one of them. If you know of a technique for solving this problem, please let us know!